R2-4B Videohistoria páginas 214-215 La Fiesta de San Pedro

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Transcript R2-4B Videohistoria páginas 214-215 La Fiesta de San Pedro

páginas 214-215
La Fiesta de San Pedro
Alsasua, España
is a Basque town in the Navarra Province of Spain and is
located in the northern region of Spain bordering with France.
“El Vasco o Euskera”
*Different regions of Spain have
their own identity, typical food,
customs, and sometimes their own
language, such as the Basque
Country situated in the
northern-central part of Spain.
*“El Vasco” (Basque language) is the current language spoken by an
estimated 1,000,000 Basque people living in the Basque Country
*“El Vasco” has NO known linguistic relatives so it is called
an isolated language.
*Its grammar is markedly distinct from that of all other
western European languages and dates back before the
16th century when the first book was printed in 1545.
Sample texts in Basque Language
Gizon-emakume guztiak aske jaiotzen dira, duintasun eta
eskubide berberak dituztela; eta ezaguera eta kontzientzia
dutenez gero, elkarren artean senide legez jokatu beharra dute.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act
towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
txistu and txistorra
these two words come from the Basque Language
Txistu (cheestoo) - is a musical instrument of the Basque country.
It is a flute (FLAUTA) made of metal and wood.
Txistorra (cheestora) -
una comida típica; una salchicha
is a type of sausage made of minced pork and beef encased in lamb tripe or
plastic flavored with garlic, salt, and paprika, giving it a bright red color.
La fiesta de San Pedro
el 29 de junio
*una celebración tradicional y religiosa con bailes, música,
comida típica y desfiles; las personas van a la iglesia
*usan el txistu y el tamboril (un tambor pequeño)
*se visten en ropa típica
con una boina
*Many regions and towns in the Spanish-speaking world hold
annual celebrations that may date back hundreds of years.
*Some of these are unique to particular towns.
*Many are religious holidays that celebrate the feast days
of Roman Catholic Saints, such as la fiesta de San Pedro