Focuses on changes in

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Transcript Focuses on changes in

Professional Development Day
Fall 2014
R. Brown, V. Martinez, K. Moberg, A. Ratto
Focuses on changes in:
Enrollment Priorities
Matriculation Requirements
Student Success/Achievement
Passed by the legislature to change
matriculation requirements and increase
Focuses on new students
Focuses on students seeking degrees, transfer
or Career Technical education
Focuses on Basic Skills
Does not focus on single-course takers, lifelong learners or transfer students
Requires collaboration between Student
Services areas
Requires alignment with high schools
Requires pathways to success
Includes Equity component
Impacts funding of services
Requires greater coordination between Student
Services and Instruction
Awards and incentivizes completion of:
1. Assessment
2. Orientation
3. An abbreviated Ed Plan
4. Encourages declaring a major
5. A declared goal of transfer, degree or
New students – effective fall 2014 – including
DRC, EOPS, CalWORKs, Foster Youth and
Veterans must complete items 1 through 5
All “New-to-College” students should be
State-wide “Common Assessment” being
Encourages alignment with high schools
regarding expectations, curriculum and
placement levels
Encourages multiple measures
 Examples: high school grades,
standardized tests, other models available
SSSP Requires All New Students to Complete
Typical Fall Incoming Class of 1000 Students
 Piloted Kick Start Program Spring/Summer
 In-person and Online
 Offered a Variety of Course and Programspecific Orientations
All New Students Will Need:
 A 1 to 2 semester
(abbreviated) Ed Plan
 A comprehensive Ed
 Students who change
their majors should get
new Ed Plans, but this is
counted as follow-up
for funding.
At Risk (Basic Skills,
Underrepresented, etc)
 Challenges:
• What new interventions
will need to be
developed based on
• How do we scale up to
meet demand and the
funding regulations?
Old Matriculation funding was in lump sum.
New SSSP funding is based on service-delivery:
10% Initial Orientation
10% Assessment
10% Abbreviated Ed Plan
15% Counseling
35% Comprehensive Ed Plan
15% At Risk Follow Up Services
5% Other Follow Up Services
2:1 Match by the College
State wants to see more results – increased
transfer, degree, certificate awards
State wants to see how we are actually working
toward student achievement
State wants students to be more self-directed and
focused on outcomes
Scorecard for all colleges:
SSSP Committee formed March 2014 (3 Admin, 5
Managers, 1 Professional Support Staff, 1 Confidential
and 1 Faculty).
Writing assignments made in April
Majority of plan written by Counseling faculty
Committee reviewed draft and edited based on
member input.
Committee identified items requiring larger
Collaborated with Equity Committee to identify
linkages with Equity Plan.
Present and revise SSSP Plan through Shared Governance
process. (Currently posted on the intranet.)
(comments required by September 15th, 2014)
Present for approval to Board of Trustees.
Submit to CCCCO by October 15, 2014.
In 14/15, the Student Services Council will create a task
force to review results of the orientation pilots, create
student focus groups, and bring suggestions to the SSSP
committee for revisions to next year’s report.
Questions/comments, or if you would like to be more
involved contact: [email protected] or
[email protected]
As a part of the SSSP, the college is required by
CCCCO to review data and identify any inequities
across student population groups.
Develop a plan to address disproportionate impact
on access and achievement.
Provided an opportunity for us to really examine
how different groups are doing and develop a
funded plan to respond.
The Chancellor's office prescribed a method for
collecting and analyzing data on the following
Access (does our enrollment population reflect
the community?)
Completion (course success)
Basic Skills improvement-English, Math, ESL
Degree and certificate completion
Disability Status
Economically Disadvantaged
Foster Youth and Veterans Added (7/14)
Student Equity Committee formed February 2014 (2
Admin, 2 Managers, 2 Staff, 3 Faculty, and 4 Students).
The Office of Institutional Research conducted the
prescribed research and summarized the findings.
The Committee reviewed the research and discussed
methods to address inequities.
In response, the committee developed a plan which
included goals, outcomes and activities.
The Committee reviewed several drafts and edited
based on Committee member input.
Collaborated with the SSSP Committee to incorporate
proposed activities.
Low-income and Foster Youth student course
completion rate (success rate).
Hispanic-American students, students with
disabilities, and older students transfer rates.
All other groups/areas did not meet the
CCCCO threshold for inequity.
To increase low income and Foster Youth student
completion rates some of the proposed activities
include: the TRIO Math boot camp, faculty training on
poverty, and expansion of Foster Youth services for
part-time students.
To increase Hispanic-American, disability, and older
student transfer rates, some of the proposed activities
include: re-establishing a Career/Transfer center with
university rep on campus, and expanding information
and visitations to universities.
Additionally, increasing orientation, education plans,
and follow up services and reducing the number of
impacted courses.
Present and revise Equity Plan through Shared
Governance process. (Currently posted on the intranet).
Present for approval to Board of Trustees.
Submit to CCCCO by November 21st 2014.
In 14/15, the Student Equity committee will meet
regularly to provide updates on progress made toward
addressing inequities.
The committee will also meet to develop next year’s
Questions and comments or if you would like to be
more involved contact: [email protected] or
[email protected]