Ways of producing energy

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Transcript Ways of producing energy

Ways of producing energy
•Geothermal energy
•Solar energy
•Wind energy
•Water energy
Geothermal energy
• Generated and stored in the earth
• Originates from the original formation of the
planet and from radioactive decay of minerals
• The adjective geothermal originates from the
Greek roots geo which means earth, and
thermos, meaning heat.
How does it work ?
• Pipes are filled with water.
• Cold water is send through the pipes.
• The water is collected in a boiler.
• Are able to work in many different ways.
• No fuel is used to generate
the power.
• Many countries are pushing
companies to adopt these
clean sources of energy.
• Has created many jobs for
the local people.
• Can run out of steam over a
period of time.
• It is only suitable for regions
where temperature below
the earth is quite high and
can produce steam over a
long period of time.
Wind energy
• The conversion of wind energy into a useful
form of energy  using wind turbines to make
• The total amount of economically extractable
power available from the wind is considerably
more than present human power use from all
How does it work ?
• Wind energy is a form of solar energy.
• Winds are caused by the uneven heating of
the atmosphere by the sun.
• Wind speeds of over 160 km/h occur.
• The wind energy is converted through friction
into diffuse heat throughout the earth's
surface and the atmosphere.
• Plentiful, renewable, widely
distributed and clean.
• Wind is free and with
modern technology it can
be captured efficiently.
• The land below can still be
• The strength of the wind is
not constant.
• Wind turbines are noisy
• When wind turbines are
being manufactured some
pollution is produced.
Solar energy
• Solar energy has been harnessed by humans
since ancient times.
• Solar powered electrical generation relies on
heat engines and photovoltaics.
• Solar energy's uses are limited only by human
How does it work?
• Rays of sunlight hit the solar panel and are
absorbed by materials such as silicone.
• Striking a solar cell by which electricity is
immediately generated.
• Is absorbed by the dark surface warms water
in solar thermal collectors.
• Amazingly a solar sail on a spacecraft can
move it through the direct force of sunlight.
• Saves money
• No pollution by
producing the
• Low or no maintenance
• Can operate entirely
• Supports local job and
wealth creation
• Sun is an unfailing
• High asset cost ( 4000 € )
• Producing solar panels isn‘t
eco- friendly
• Need a lot of space
• Need a certain amount of
sunlight to work
Water Energy
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity
generated by hydropower; the production of electrical
power through the use of the gravitational force of falling
or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of
renewable energy.
Generating methods:
• Conventional (dams)
• Pumped-storage
• Run-of-the-river
• Tide
• Underground
How does it work ?
• The production of power using running water.
• A dam must be built, which is usually located in
a valley near a natural lake.
• Water is channeled into the dam via tunnels
and the water turns turbines which in turn
powers generators.
• It is possible to be produced very cheaply.
• If electricity is not needed,
the sluice gates can be shut.
• The lake behind the dam
can be used for
• No pollution.
• Dams are extremly
• They must operate for many
decades to become
• People must move out.
How to store energy ?
• Energy storage is accomplished by devices or
physical media that store some form of energy
to perform some useful operation at a later
• A wind-up clock stores potential energy.
• A battery stores readily chemical energy.
• And a hydroelectric dam stores energy in a
reservoir as gravitational potential energy.
• They are making use of solar energy and wind
• This concept will be implemented in North Africa
and the Middle East.
• Concept aims at promoting the generation of
electricity in Northern Africa, the Middle East and
Europa using solar power plants, wind parks and
the transmission of this electricity to the
consumption centres.
• Is a non - profit Foundation.
The deserts receive more energy from the sun in 6
hours, than the people can use or need in one
- de.toonpool.com/.../wind%20power%20station_15939
- http://www.renewablepowernews.com/archives/2270
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NesjavellirPowerPlant_edit2.jpg
- http://www.earthlyissues.com/images/geother.JPG
- http://renewables-energy.net/2011/07/24/solar-energy-plants/
- www.pvsolarchina.com/how-do-solar-panel-work.html
- dogstayout.wordpress.com/.../14/the-good-water/
- www.rivernetwork.org/rn/taxonomy/term/24
- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bS1CTa2BiEM/SLKCEfw_CYI/AAAAAAAAAQA/1qB1EVfiPF0/s320/2.jpg
- www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,635811,00.html
- www.desertec.org/.../DESERTEC_whiteCSP.gif
- http://www.tobiasbuckell.com/2011/06/11/solar-power-trends/