(EC) No 1107/2009 (Reinert) ( 600Kb)

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Transcript (EC) No 1107/2009 (Reinert) ( 600Kb)

ECPA/ECCA Brussels Regulatory Conference
12-13 March 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Commission view on the
implementation of
Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
Wolfgang Reinert
European Commission
Health and Consumers Directorate-General
Unit Chemicals, contaminants, pesticides
Health and
Active substances
first approval
New Active substances (Reg. 188/2011)
- about finished
- 3 substances still in the peer-review
New Active substances (Reg. 1107/2009)
- No major problems flagged
- Progress made in the integration of CLP-process into review
Health and
Implementing measures
Candidates for Substitution
List according to article 80 (7) under finalisation
Covering a.s. approved until Jan 2013
Regulatory framework under consultation
Apply comparative assessment as from 1 January 2015
List to be completed by that date
GD comparative assessment on agenda of SCFCAH in March
Health and
Implementing measures
New data requirements (DR)
New data requirements published in April 2013
Apply to all a.s. and PPP dossiers as from 1 January 2016
Transitional measures create problems for:
- PPP dossier submissions after 1 January 2016, containing
- a.s. of AIR2, or
- new a.s. submitted before 31 December 2013
- because of non-peer-reviewed information in the a.s. dossier
Health and
Implementing measures
New data requirements (DR)
Possible solution:
old DR exceptionally continue to apply
to a.s. dossiers in PPP submissions
containing a.s. to which the old DR still apply (new a.s., AIR2)
No problems with applying new data requirements for PPP dossier
in all cases as foreseen
Amended GD and draft Reg. to be presented to SCFCAH in March
Health and
Interpretation issues
Negligible exposure
Relates to points 3.6.3 – 3.6.5 and 3.8.2 of Annex II to Reg.
- Carc. and reprotox cat. 1A and 1B
- Endocrine disruption
Element of exposure for hazard-oriented criteria
Health and
Interpretation issues
Negligible exposure
Dietary exposure: legal thresholds (Reg. 396/2005)
Non-dietary exposure: legislation leaves margin of
Guidance document under preparation:
- Discussion ongoing between COM, MS and EFSA
- stakeholder consultation foreseen
Health and
Implementing measures
Endocrine Disruptors
Health and
Implementing measures
Zonal System
Recent analyses from industry and MS on the functioning
System is not yet working according to desire
Yet, no thorough analysis: figures presented too divergent
Complexity of the zonal vs. national authorisation:
- Failure to comply with deadlines
- Resource problems
- Lack of streamlining in the procedure
COM dedicated to the principle of mutual recognition and keen to
enhance the functioning
Health and
Implementing measures
Authorisation Database
Module authorisation/ mutual recognition under development
Recently updated:
- Product management
- Follow-up of application process
- e-mail notifications
- User management
- User interface
Health and
Implementing measures
Authorisation Database
Second user acceptance testing before summer 2014
Publication planned second semester 2014
What next?
- Expand existing EPPO codes
- Implement other modules (amendment of authorisation,
minor uses…)
- Incorporate existing entries from MS databases
- Publish catalogue of EU authorisations
Health and
Thank you very much
for your attention!
Health and