Titanic Jeopardy

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Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
Who was the Captain of the Titanic?
$100 Answer from H1
Captain Edward Smith
$200 Question from H1
Who was the president of the
White Star shipping company?
$200 Answer from H1
Bruce Ismay
$300 Question from H1
Who was the designer of the
$300 Answer from H1
Thomas Andrews
$400 Question from H1
Who wrote A Night to Remember?
$400 Answer from H1
Walter Lord
$500 Question from H1
Who was the radio operator that
remained on duty through the
$500 Answer from H1
$100 Question from H2
When did the Titanic set sail?
$100 Answer from H2
April 10, 1912
$200 Question from H2
How many days was it at sea
before it hit the iceberg?
$200 Answer from H2
4 days
$300 Question from H2
When did the Titanic fully sink?
$300 Answer from H2
April 15, 1912
$400 Question from H2
Name three changes that were
made to sailing regulations after
the ship sank.
$400 Answer from H2
Lifeboats for everyone on board
Evacuation protocol established
Equality in evacuation procedures
$500 Question from H2
When was A Night to Remember
$500 Answer from H2
$100 Question from H3
In what city and country was
the Titanic built?
$100 Answer from H3
Belfast, Ireland
$200 Question from H3
Where did the Titanic depart?
$200 Answer from H3
Southhampton, England
$300 Question from H3
To what American city was
the Titanic sailing?
$300 Answer from H3
New York
$400 Question from H3
What was the name of the
company that owned the
$400 Answer from H3
White Star Line
$500 Question from H3
Name the three classes of
Passengers on the Titanic.
$500 Answer from H3
First class, Second class
Third class/steerage
$100 Question from H4
How many passengers were on the Titanic?
$100 Answer from H4
$200 Question from H4
How many lifeboats were
on the ship?
$200 Answer from H4
$300 Question from H4
What was the water temperature
when the ship sank?
$300 Answer from H4
28 degrees
$400 Question from H4
How many passengers survived on
the Titanic?
$400 Answer from H4
Approximately 700
$500 Question from H4
How long did it take for the ship to sink
once it hit the iceberg?
$500 Answer from H4
About 2.5 hours
$100 Question from H5
Who was the person to first
spot the iceberg?
$100 Answer from H5
The lookout – Frederick Fleet
$200 Question from H5
Which ship did not respond
because they had turned off
their radio?
$200 Answer from H5
$300 Question from H5
Which ship was the first to
rescue the lifeboats?
$300 Answer from H5
$400 Question from H5
What time did the Titanic
hit the iceberg?
$400 Answer from H5
11:40 pm
$500 Question from H5
What does CQD mean?
$500 Answer from H5
Distress - SOS
Final Jeopardy
What was the name of the book that
was written 10 years about a ship that
sank when it hit an iceberg?
Final Jeopardy Answer