Pediatric Medication Administration

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Pediatric Medication Administration Module D

Pediatric Classifications

Age Range Classifications

< 38 weeks gestation Premature infant < 1 month 1 month- <1 year 1 year - < 12 years Neonate or newborn infant Infant Child

Pediatric Considerations Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion or elimination

Pediatric Considerations

Lack many of the Protective Mechanisms


thin & permeable skin - lacks gastric acid - lacks lung mucosal barriers - poorly regulated body temp.

- immature liver & kidney

Factors for IM Site Selection Peds Avoid nerves and vessels Less SC thickness Muscle mass appropriate to med. Volume Ease of access or position Ventrogluteal-site of choice if >7mo. Old Vastus Lateralis- site of choice for infants < 12 mo. receiving immunizations Deltoid- Not used in infants or children with underdeveloped muscles. May be used for toddlers and older children.

Medication Administration Techniques Oral Topical Parenterals

Preparing dosages for Pediatric Clients Milligrams/kilograms/ body weight Body surface area Safe dosage range

Milligrams/kilograms/body weight This is the most common method used for calculating pediatric dosage It is based on the client’s weight.

Body surface area Formula: BSA(m2)/1.73 (m2) x Adult dose = Child’s dose Nomogram-

see diagram

Safe dosage range

Step 1:

Calculate the total daily dosage

Step 2:

Dividing by the number of doses per day.

Other Formulas Used in Pediatric Dosage Calculation

Young’s Rule Clark’s Rule Fried’s Rule

Always remember

The 6 Rights of Medication Administration The Process of Administering Medication

- Identify the client - Inform the client - Administer the drug - Provide adjunctive interventions as needed - Record the drug administered drug • • - Evaluate the client’s response to drug

Never allow someone else to draw-up your meds Always practice universal precaution

The End Questions???????????








