Transcript TITRE

Green Buildings & Green Jobs:
Contributing to sustainable Environment and Decent Work
Rajeev Sharma
Regional Policy Officer, BWI Asia-Pacific
Why Green Buildings???
The building sector accounts for 30-40% of Co2
In the climate change debate, the green buildings and
green jobs are increasingly viewed as part of a global
response aimed at reduction of GHGs (Green House
Gases) and a vital part of the various countries
mitigation strategy.
Green Buildings (also known as green construction or
sustainable building) signifies a structure and using
process that is environmentally responsible and
resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle:
from siting to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation, and demolition.
Why Green Buildings???
Green Building can result in long term savings via:
Energy & Lighting Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Materials Efficiency
Employee Health
Construction & Debris
Green Jobs: Building Sector
“Green jobs” contributes to preserving or restoring the
quality of the environment.
Green jobs need to be decent work, i.e. good jobs
which offer adequate wages, safe working conditions,
job security, reasonable career prospects, and worker
rights. A job that is exploitative, harmful, fails to pay a
living wage, and thus condemns workers to a life of
poverty can hardly be hailed as green.
Green jobs span a wide array of skills, educational
backgrounds, and occupational profiles. Concerning
the Building sector, as per a joint report - many
existing jobs (especially such as plumbers,
electricians, and construction workers) will simply be
transformed and redefined as day-to-day skill sets and
work methods
`Greening’ of the Building Sector:
Role of Trade Unions
Ensure the National / State Building Codes and
Policies in their respective countries are aligned
with Green construction to promote energy
conservation and address environmental concerns.
The Building codes / policy could be the driving
force behind green building and stimulating local
economic development in the green building sector
and this could include - regulations, standards,
incentives, subsidies, tax concessions.
Trade Unions should prevail upon their respective
National Governments to include environmental
and social clauses in all tender documents for
public works.
`Greening’ of the Building Sector:
Role of Trade Unions
For new large constructions, certification
could be made mandatory. In the United
States and in a host of other countries
worldwide, LEED certification is the
recognized standard for measuring building
sustainability. ( )
Dialogue and regular consultations with all
the stakeholders including employers. Due
emphasis be laid on Skills Training
(redefining and readjusting / upgrading
existing skills) and also integrating OHS into
`green jobs’ for the members / workers.
Singapore: Sustainable Construction
In Singapore, the Building and Timber Union
(BATU) and the Singaporean government have
embarked on a common objective of
“sustainable construction” and a $15 million
Sustainable Construction Capability
Development Fund has been set up for:
Adoption of recycled materials &
Environmental friendly construction process. A
tripartite committee - Economic Strategies
Committee (ESC) has been created and among
other recommendations of the ESC has been the
adoption of better technology.
India: Union signs MOU with the
Larsen & Toubro on Skills Training
MOU signed btw. BWI affiliate Bandhkam
Mazdoor Sangathan (BMS) from the Western
Indian State of Gujarat with the Construction Skills
Training Institute (CSTI) of Larsen and Toubro
(L&T) in India on skills training that aims to
improve wages and increase employability of
workers plus gives an exposure to the new /
evolving technology. Post-training they get
employed at the L&T worksite.
Thank you for your attention
and time