Ann T1 Parent Mtg

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Transcript Ann T1 Parent Mtg

Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting
Title I School Principals’
September 20, 2010
Prepared by Mi Lee
 What is Title I?
 Goals of Title I
 How are Title I funds allocated to the
 Achievement Results
 What services does Title I provide?
 Parent Rights under Title I
 Parent Involvement Policy
 Parent School Compact
 Program Improvement Status
Goals of Title I
 Increase academic achievement
 Requires that schools be accountable
 Requires that parents are provided assistance in
understanding how well their school and their child
is performing
Title I Funds In the Public Schools
[Federal Funds]
 Allocated on basis of
number of students
eligible for
free/reduced price
 Title I students get
everything all other
students get plus
services from Title I
 Require academic
interventions for all
eligible students
 Require parent input
and training
Achievement Results
 Refer to Handouts
Title I Services at ___________
 Refer to Handout
Parent Rights
 Annual Title I meeting with input to Title I Plan
 Opportunities to meet regularly as Title I Parents
 Be informed of child’s progress and expectations through:
 Annual parent teacher conference to discuss child’s
progress w/ Title I interventions
 Report Cards
 Annual review of assessment data
 Newsletters
 Notification of EL parents required if the EL students at
their child’s school are not meeting state targets for
proficiency in ELD and content standards
 Provide input for site Parent Involvement policy and Parent
School Compact
Parent Rights
 Information regarding the qualifications of their child’s
teacher(s) and paraprofessionals providing services to
their child
 Notification if their child is taught for more than 4
consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet
“highly qualified” requirements
 Parent Training and resources funded by Title I
allocations for parent involvement
 When school is in Program Improvement Status
 Parents can be involved in developing the Program
Improvement Plan
 Parents may request a School of Choice
 Parents may request Supplemental Educational
Services (Tutoring)
 School report Card
The Site Parent Involvement Policy
 Every school in collaboration with
parents, must prepare a site level
parent involvement policy for
distribution that includes:
 Involvement of parents in the Title I
 School-Parent Compact
 Building Capacity for Involvement
 Accessibility/Opportunity
The School Parent Compact
refer to handout
 Developed collaborating with parents,
teachers and students
 Updated periodically
 The school’s responsibility to provide highquality curriculum and instruction
 The parents’ responsibility to support their
children’s learning
 The importance of ongoing communication
between parents and teachers
PI Status