Competence Agency

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Transcript Competence Agency

APL and Career Planning Centers in Social Services for Sentenced Women

Germany Schwerin, January 07-08 , 2014

Dr. Manfred MÜLLNER

Managing Director BBS START GmbH Welcome by the hosting project partner BBS START GmbH


BBS START GmbH Germany

Dr. Manfred MÜLLNER


Director BBS START GmbH

Katja ELLENRIEDER , Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Vorpommern stellv. Leiterin der JVA Bützow

Kornelia BARSUHN, BBS START GmbH project manager

Marita PETERS, BBS START GmbH master tailor, JVA Bützow

Antje DRESSLER, BBS START GmbH master hair dressing, JVA Bützow

Frank KUHNERT, BBS START GmbH trainer, JVA Bützow

Britta KREMKE, MEDIA WORKS GmbH, moderator and interpreter


Locations and corporate identity of the BBS START GmbH

Baltic Sea

Hamburg Berlin

Corporate identity of the BBS START GmbH and their integration strategy We are a service provider for integrating

•Disadvantaged pupils •Unemployed people •Prisoners


1.Analysis of deficites and competences regarding motivation social aspects career planning aspects 2. Phase of intervention resp. patching 3. Phase of stabilization and integration 5

Hairdresser Tailor Monthly tests and performance evaluation Metal Timberwork Gardening Facility Cleaning Painter Graduation from school


Vocational Qualification and Social Re-integration of (Female) Prisoners APL and Career Planning Centers in Social Services for Sentenced Women Competence Agencies


Kornelia BARSUHN

project management BBS START GmbH Working positions regarding the social integration of disadvantaged persons in Germany: The Competence and Integration Agency as a Method for Integration Management


Dr. Manfred MÜLLNER

Managing Director BBS START GmbH Overview on the system of the so called dual education and the formal acknowledgement of qualifications



Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, stellv. Leiterin der JVA Bützow Vocational training and education of prisoners in the prison of Bützow as integrational part of their social integration



BBS START GmbH coordinator of the education in the Bützow prison System of modular qualification for prisoners



BBS START GmbH trainer at the Bützow priso Content of the training and qualification of female prisoners as a tailor



BBS START GmbH trainer at the Bützow priso Content of the training and qualification of female prisoners as a friseur



Media works GmbH Facilitator Innovation Transfer / Adaptation Workshop Which experiences from the Portuguese and German projects can be transferred to Turkey? Which experiences have to be adapted? Which preconditions and frameworks have to be set up first? What kind of comparable methods and institutions do already exist in Turkey?

Which of the German and Portuguese experiences have to be explained in further detail? What would be the next steps?



Kornelia BARSUHN

project management BBS START GmbH Working positions regarding the social integration of disadvantaged persons in Germany: The Competence and Integration Agency as a Method for Integration Management


Supporting systems for (juvenile) prisoners Objective: Successful integration into society Is precondition for Labour market integration Social integration Nationally acknowledged formal qualifications Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 National reference frameworks Counselling Career planning Training Method: Transition/integration management Competence Agency Case Manager Finances Network „Handbook of helpers“ During imprisonment After release Industrial Chambers Job Center Counselling services Housing authority

Supporting systems for disadvantaged persons Objective: Successful integration into society Social integration Competence Agency Method: Transition/integration management Case Manager Network „Handbook of helpers“ Industrial Chambers Job Center Counselling services Housing authority Others

Competence Agency

Contact Point for disadvantaged persons Counselling, guidance, mediation Case Manager is the key contact person Target group Participants cannot be forced to visit a competence agency

4 Branches 2 - 3 Staff 1.000,00 € Budget Ca. 40 - 50 Participants

Case- Manager

Department / Agency Health Counselling Instituions Clubs Industry


„Handbook of helpers“

Transition/integration management

1st Step

Transition/integration management

2nd Step Analysis of potentials/Assessment of competences 1.

First contact of the young person in the competence agency

Personal interview, giving information and explanation to the help-seeker.


Installing a trustful work relationship, signing of an integration agreement, obligatory participation in a 2-weeks-assessment analysis


Analysis of potentials in an assessment center

Tests (general knowledge), systematic observation (social competences, practical exercise in a suitable technical field, identification of the candidates skills,) self assessment of the candidate, evaluation and feedback


Drawing up a competence expertise, skills profile and a career plan resp. recommendation


Implementation of the integration agreement

Personal interview, information and further breaking down of the overall targt into small steps


Activating and gaining commitment for an active involvement of the candidate

Transition/integration management

K o m p e t e n z g u t a c h t e n Personendaten: Sozialdaten: .............







Gesundheitliche Einschränkungen / Grad der Behinderung / Führerschein / Mobilität/Schulischer Werdegang / Interessengebiete / ggf. berufl. Werdegang/Erfahrungen:/ Ursachen für Entwicklungsabbrüche

Einschätzung der sozialen Individualkompetenzen:

(z.B. Leistungsbereitschaft, Arbeitsplanung, Aufmerksamkeit, Ausdauer, Sorgfalt)

Einschätzung der Sozial- und Methodenkompetenzen:

(z.B. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Problemlösungsbereitschaft, Teamfähigkeit, Kritikfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit)

Evaluierung der schulischen Bildungskompetenzen:

(Allgemeinbildung, Mathematik, Deutsch)

Auswertung der Berufspräferenz- und der berufspraktischen Eignung:

Aus dem fachlichen Eignungstest wird eine Empfehlung für die berufliche Perspektive ermittelt und weiterverfolgt.

Berufspräferenz /Auszug aus dem Kompetenzgutachten der BBS START GmbH 2004/

Transition/integration management

3rd Step Implementation of integration measures

Achieving a change in the level of activities regarding application writing, mobility and motivation

Training for the application process, updating of application documents, preparation and training of interviews, training of social and personal skills etc.

Improvement of labour market opportunities

On the job training, acquisition of jobs and training places, supported matching of jobs and training, application process coaching etc.

Improvement of prior learning qualifications and skills

Passing a first level school exam, training prior to a certain job, work in a training workshop, additional qualifications etc.

Transition/integration management in prisons

Transition/integration management in prisons

Muster Erhebungsbogen 29

Muster Eingliederungsplan Inhaltlicher Schulungsverlauf Erstkontakt Erstgespräch mit dem Teilnehmer:     Motivation Kernkompetenzen Berufsfachliche Bedarfe Berufliche Flexibilität und Mobilität Erstgespräch Bestandsaufnahme unter Einbeziehung des Teilnehmers Notizen zu Gesprächsinhalten (nachfolgend auch als Anlage zum Eingliederungsplan) Überfachliche Kenntnisvermittlung in seminaristischer Form z.B. : Word- Kurs, Internet-Kurs Bewerbungsmanagement der BA, Nutzung der JOBBOERSE der BA Kommunikation, Outfit, Gesundheitsorientierung Bemerkungen, Ergebnisse Aktivitäten Erstgespräch mit TN: Motivation Kernkompetenzen Berufsfachliche Bedarfe Berufliche Flexibilität und Mobilität Termine Verantwortlichkeiten Termin/ Zeitdauer: …………………………… verantw.: …………………………..

Termin/ Zeitdauer: …………………………… verantw.: Eignungsfeststellung (welches Berufsfeld, wo ) Kenntnisvermittlung im Berufsfeld: …………………………..

Dauer: Kurzbeschreibung zum Inhalt Präsentations- oder Orientierungspraktikum Fachpraktische Erprobung (welcher Betrieb/ Einrichtung) Termin/ Zeitdauer: …………………………..

verantw.: …………………………..

Termin/ Zeitdauer: ……………………………..

verantw.: …………………………… Termin …………………………… verantw.: …………………………… 30

Muster Beobachtungsbogen Beobachtungsmerkmal Arbeitsauftrag erfassen Systematische Arbeitsplanung Arbeitsvorbereitung Arbeitsschutz, Sorgfalt Hygienemaßnahmen Ausdauer, Konzentration Handhabung Werkzeuge Umgang mit Arbeitsmaterial Arbeitstechniken Motorisches Geschick Antrieb, Motivation Qualitatives Arbeitsergebnis Kommunikationsfähigkeit Sorgfalt /Exaktheit Selbstständigkeit kaum vorhanden Ergebnis gut Bemerkung 31

Muster Beobachtungsbogen

Berufsfeld Lager/ Logistik:




Führen Sie eine Warenein- und –ausgangskontrolle mit Hilfe von Liefer- und Frachtpapieren durch.

Führen Sie eine Kommissionierung lt. Kundenauftrag durch. Erläutern Sie Verpackungsmöglichkeiten und entsprechende Vorschriften und wenden Sie diese an.

Berufsfeld HoGa:

a) Fachliches Gespräch zum Umgang mit dem Gast, Kommunikation mit dem Gast, Annahme von Bestellungen und Reservierungen, Reklamationen b) Gestalten Sie eine Geburtstagstafel für ca. 10 Personen: Tischgestaltung, Planung der Speisen und Getränke, Wareneinkauf, Kalkulation, Preisbildung!

c) Einfache Trage- und Servierübungen

Berufsfeld kaufmännisch:


berufsfachliches Gespräch: Machen Sie sich Notizen!


Kaufmännischer Schriftverkehr: Erstellen Sie einen Geschäftsbrief nach DIN 5008 lt. Arbeitsblatt 3.


Erstellen Sie das vorliegende Arbeitsblatt „Kostenanalyse“.

Stellen Sie die vorliegende Tabelle in einem geeigneten Diagramm dar!

Berufsfeld Verkauf:


Fachgespräch: Themen Rechts- und Geschäftsfähigkeit im Handel, Jugendschutzgesetz und Altersbe grenzung 2.

Fachrechnen: Lösen Sie die Aufgaben lt. Arbeitsblatt!




Zählen Sie den Kasseneinsatz, zählen Sie Wechselgeldbeträge ein!

berufliches Fachgespräch zu Umgangsformen im Einzelhandel Verpacken Sie die Ware als Geschenk! 32


Dr. Manfred MÜLLNER

Managing Director BBS START GmbH Overview on the system of the so called dual education and the formal acknowledgement of qualifications


Dual Educational System Germany Vocational schools Companies which offer in house-training Tests in theory and practical skills Formal qualification in the respective area (Facharbeiterbrief)


Disadvantaged Youngsters


Networking processes of the Competence Agency


Aktuell: Regierungsprogramm Dezember 2013

Competence Agency Agency for vocational and social integration

(Transition/Integration Management also for prisoners)


Dual educational system within prisons „Company“ is the prison Vocational school in prison Tests in theory and practical skills Certificates for each modules/ Full qualification (Facharb)




Ministry of Justice Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, stellv. Leiterin der JVA Bützow Vocational training and education of prisoners in the prison of Bützow as integrational part of their social integration




BBS START GmbH coordinator of the education in the Bützow prison System of modular qualification for prisoners


BBS START GmbH Germany Curriculum Qualification modules : Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Qualification Module 1: Culture and correct usage of plants

Topic Technical learning targets

1. Nature and environment protection, sensitive usage of energy and material

- Nature and environment protection, sensitive usage environment - Chose and utilize means of production, taking into consideration of energy and material - Searching and analyzing information - Planning, preparation, controlling of production, service provision and work The participants are able to - name domestic and protected plants and know their typical environmental protection and economical aspects - use energy in an efficient way

2. Growing and nursing

- Working with the plant - Sowing, to pique, to plant in pots, to plant in the field - Raising plants The participants are able to - take part in the raising of plants - take part in working with the plants - take part in proper watering measures - take part in suitable fertilization measures Social learning targets Methodology The participants - show respect - can work in teams - are aware of environmental issues - have an ability for decision-making Front lectures Group work Individual work Use of media


No of hours Beamer Overhead proj.

Black/White board Work sheets 40 48

3. Soil and substrates

- Learn to differ soil and substrates - Carrying out groundworks The participants are able to - Assess soil and initiate measures to improve the ground - carry out suitable groundworks, nurse the ground and improve it - Judge soil and substrates and improve these if necessary - Store and use soil and substrates The participants - show respect - can work in teams - are aware of environmental issues - have an ability for decision-making Front lectures Group work Individual work Practical exercises Beamer Overhead proj.

Black/White board Work sheets 44 35

BBS START GmbH Germany Curriculum Qualification modules : Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Qualification Module 1: Culture and correct usage of plants

Topic Technical learning targets

1. Nature and environment protection, sensitive usage of energy and material

- Nature and environment protection, sensitive usage environment - Chose and utilize means of production, taking into consideration of energy and material - Searching and analyzing information - Planning, preparation, controlling of production, service provision and work The participants are able to - name domestic and protected plants and know their typical environmental protection and economical aspects - use energy in an efficient way

2. Growing and nursing

- Working with the plant - Sowing, to pique, to plant in pots, to plant in the field - Raising plants The participants are able to - take part in the raising of plants - take part in working with the plants - take part in proper watering measures - take part in suitable fertilization measures Social learning targets Methodology The participants - show respect - can work in teams - are aware of environmental issues - have an ability for decision-making Front lectures Group work Individual work Use of media


No of hours Beamer Overhead proj.

Black/White board Work sheets 40 48

3. Soil and substrates

- Learn to differ soil and substrates - Carrying out groundworks The participants are able to - Assess soil and initiate measures to improve the ground - carry out suitable groundworks, nurse the ground and improve it - Judge soil and substrates and improve these if necessary - Store and use soil and substrates The participants - show respect - can work in teams - are aware of environmental issues - have an ability for decision-making Front lectures Group work Individual work Practical exercises Beamer Overhead proj.

Black/White board Work sheets 45 35



BBS START GmbH trainer at the Bützow priso Content of the training and qualification of female prisoners as a tailor


BBS START GmbH Germany




BBS START GmbH trainer at the Bützow priso Content of the training and qualification of female prisoners as a friseur


BBS START GmbH Germany



Lunch 7. Januar 2014 ca 13.00 Uhr Wintergarten


Lachs auf Blattspinat mit Petersilienkartoffeln

Grießknödel mit Zimteis


Dinner 7. Januar 2014 ca 19.30 Uhr Restaurant


Fisch auf Spitzkohl und Petersilienkartoffeln/ Kaninchenkeule auf Rosmarinkartoffeln

Panna Cotta