Update on Public Act 12-40 Implementation

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Public Act 12-40
Implementation Overview
University of Hartford
July 25, 2013
PA 12-40 Section 1
Postsecondary Developmental/
Remedial Education
Background on Public Act 12-40
• An Act Concerning College Readiness and
• Proposed by Sen. Beth Bye in Spring 2012
• Early versions allowed for no remedial
• Final law requires
– Placement through multiple measures
– Limitations on delivery of remedial education
– Alignment with Common Core State Standards
Placement Outcomes Under PA 12-40
1. College Level
2. College Level w/ Embedded Remedial Support
3. Intensive College Readiness Experience
One Semester Remedial Support
Transitional strategies to address students
underprepared for or unsuccessful in all options
2012-2013 – Phase 1
• Communication
– All-campus presentations discussion at all 12 community
– Other venues: NPR “Where We Live”, African American
Affairs Commission
– Frequently asked questions webpage
– Convocation with other providers (adult education,
workforce and community-based-groups)
• Development of models for
– Embedded delivery
– Intensive delivery
– Transitional delivery
• Limited pilots conducted
2013-14 – Phase 2
• Initial launch of embedded and adapted
intensive levels
• Expanded placement procedures
– Import of high school transcript data
– Essay placement options
– Alternative instruments
• Grant application for professional
• 2012-13
– $250,000 for development of embedded and intensive
– $750,000 for Bridges to Success (SA 12-1) focused
on college readiness alignment also required under
PA 12-40
• 2013-14
– $200,000 to community colleges for transitional
– Allocation of $2,000,000 to community colleges for
any aspect of implementation
Challenges and Opportunities
• Financial support for sustaining new models
• Collecting and using better data for
• Developing common approaches while
allowing for local flexibility
• Organizational logistics
PA 12-40 Sections 2 & 3
College Readiness and High
PA 12-40 and High Schools
• Alignment of high school & higher
education curriculum in English and math
using Common Core State Standards by
2016 (section 2).
• Assess students for potential of college
readiness in 8th and 10th grades by 201415 (section 3).
Efforts Underway with High
• Common Core Standards in math and
– Smarter Balanced Assessments
• Alignment of 12th grade math and English
with entry-level college courses
• Teacher preparation
Common Core Standards
• State Board of Education adopted new standards for
math and English Language Arts in 2010.
• Developed nationally by professionals in K-12 and
higher education
• Standards are internationally benchmarked and
aligned to prepare students to be college-ready.
• All districts are actively working to align curricula and
instruction with the Standards
• www.commonstandards.org
Smarter Balanced Assessments
• New generation of assessments designed specifically
to measure students’ competencies against the
Common Core Standards
• Computer-adaptive; interim, formative, and
summative; taken in grades 3-8 and 11
• Full implementation in 2014-15 academic year
• Final 11th grade summative assessment will indicate
whether a student is college-ready
• www.smarterbalanced.org
Alignment of 12th Grade
Math & English
• Higher education faculty and high school
teachers are partnering to redesign 12th
grade math and English courses to address
remedial needs of students
• High schools identify students likely to not be
on track for college level coursework
• 12th grade courses aligned with highest level
remedial/developmental math or English
Teacher Preparation
• CT Department of Education communicating
with teacher prep programs about Common
Core Standards and assessments and the
implications for classroom instruction.
• The Educator Preparation Advisory Council
(EPAC) recommended ways to improve
preparation and support to improve student
outcomes to the State Board of Education.
Other Partners
• Adult Education
– Established partnerships with community
– Aligning curriculum with Common Core
• Workforce Investment Boards
– Various initiatives underway that address
embedding remediation with career pathways