Learning from the Early Years Collaborative
Transcript Learning from the Early Years Collaborative
Voluntary Health
Scotland Conference
SallyAnn Kelly
13th May 2014
Strategic overview
GIRFEC – underpins and overarches
builds solutions with and around children, young
people and families
enables children and young people to get the
help they need when they need it
supports a positive shift in culture, systems and
involves working better together to improve life
chances for children, young people and families
Early Years Framework
tangible improvement in
outcomes and reduce inequalities for
Scotland’s vulnerable children.
Put Scotland squarely on course to
shifting the balance of public services
towards early intervention and
prevention by 2016.
Sustain this change to 2018 and
To make Scotland the best place in the world
to grow up in by improving
and reducing inequalities, for all babies,
children, mothers, fathers and families across
Scotland to ensure that all children have the
best start in life and are ready to succeed
Stretch Aims
85% of all children reached all of the expected
developmental milestones at the time of the child’s 27‐30
month child health review, by end‐2016
90% of all children reached all of the expected
developmental milestones at the time the child starts
primary school, by end‐2017
90% of all children in each Community Planning
Partnership area will have reached all of the expected
developmental milestones and learning outcomes by the
end of Primary 4, by end-2021
Positive pregnancies which result in the birth of more
healthy babies by end 2015
15% in the rates of stillbirths and infant mortality
Journey so far…..
Focused on collaborations within Community
Planning Partnerships
First time the approach has been used at this
scale and outside a clinical setting
Using existing evidence of what works and
trialling new approaches (tests of change)
Learning Sessions (all CPP’s engaged)
National Champions appointed for each of 5
Looking at what the ‘big ticket/key changes’ are
to test and implement in sites
– Attachment
– Ante natal care
Early learning from GIRFEC and
Early Years …..
Huge amount of interest in and a real
commitment to improvement
Good examples of early attempts to understand
and analyse PLACE and communities and link to
service planning
Many examples of good practice emerging in
relation to GIRFEC and early years work
Named person
Local planning
Effective and evidenced based interventions
Parenting support
– Some risk averse cultures stand in way of
transformational change
– Communication remains a key issue
– We need meaningful, inclusive and effective governance
– What is our route in to try to influence?
Move to outcome focused practice and implications
– Service user engagement and participation
– Changing professional practice
– Measuring and defining impact and success
– How we procure or develop services
– Wider responses to local ‘need’
Opportunities …..
Centre on people
– Use the policy framework to really define our purpose
– Work alongside communities and support them to realise
their own gifts and strengths
– Examine our commitment to non judgemental and
compassionate interactions and responses every day,
all of the time
Influencing the change agenda and the move toward
more local working
– If we always do what we’ve always done we will always
get what we always got! (JW)
– Apply domestic and international knowledge
– Challenge the status quo and the internally focussed
‘tweaking approach’ of our organisations and
public bodies