Measuring Solutions

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Occur in all phases
 The
solvent does the dissolving.
 The solute is dissolved.
 There are examples of all types of
solvents dissolving all types of
 We will focus on aqueous solutions.
Energy of Making Solutions
of solution ( DHsoln ) is the energy
change for making a solution.
 Most easily understood if broken into
 1.Break apart solvent
 2.Break apart solute
 3. Mixing solvent and solute
 Heat
1. Break apart Solvent
 Have
to overcome attractive forces.
DH1 >0
2. Break apart Solute.
 Have
to overcome attractive forces.
DH2 >0
3. Mixing solvent and solute
 DH3 depends
on what you are mixing.
 If molecules can attract each other
DH3 is large and negative.
 Molecules can’t attract- DH3 is small
and negative.
 This explains the rule “Like dissolves
of DH3 helps determine whether
Solute and
a solution will form
 Size
Ways of Measuring
 Molarity
= moles of solute
Liters of solution
 % mass = Mass of solute
x 100
Mass of solution
 Mole fraction of component A
cA =
nA + nB
Ways of Measuring
 Molality
moles of solute
Kilograms of solvent
 Molality
is abbreviated m
- read but don’t focus on it.
 It is molarity x number of active
 Normality
Vapor Pressure of Solutions
nonvolatile solute lowers the
vapor pressure of the solution.
 The
molecules of the solvent
must overcome the force of
both the other solvent
molecules and the
solute molecules.
Raoult’s Law:
 Vapor
= csolvent x Psolvent
pressure of the solution =
mole fraction of solvent x
vapor pressure of the pure solvent
 Applies only to an ideal solution
where the solute doesn’t contribute
to the vapor pressure.
 Water
has a higher vapor
pressure than a solution
Pure water
 Water
evaporates faster from for
water than solution
Pure water
 The
water condenses faster in the
solution so it should all end up
Pure water
Practice Problem
solution of cyclopentane with a
nonvolatile compound has vapor
pressure of 211 torr. If vapor
pressure of the pure liquid is 313
torr, what is the mole fraction of the
 Psoln = XcpPcp
 211 torr = Xcp (313 torr)
 .674
Try one on your own
 Determine
the vapor pressure of a
solution at 25 C that has 45 grams of
C6H12O6, glucose, dissolved in 72
grams of H2O. The vapor pressure of
pure water at 25 C is 23.8 torr.
 Psolution= Xsolvent Psolvent
 Psolution = .941(23.8 torr)
 Psolution = 22.4 torr
Ideal solutions
 Liquid-liquid
solutions where both are
 Modify Raoult’s Law to
PA + PB = cAPA0 + cBPB0
 Ptotal = vapor pressure of mixture
 PA0= vapor pressure of pure A
 If this equation works then the solution
is ideal.
 Ptotal =
Vapor Pressure
P of pure A
P of pure B
 If
solvent has a strong affinity for
solute (H bonding).
 Lowers solvent’s ability to escape.
 Lower vapor pressure than expected.
 Negative deviation from Raoult’s law.
 DHsoln is large and negative
 Endothermic DHsoln indicates positive
Vapor Pressure
Positive deviationsWeak attraction between
solute and solvent
Positive ΔHsoln
Vapor Pressure
Negative deviationsStrong attraction between
solute and solvent
Negative ΔHsoln
Problem #1
 The
vapor pressure of a solution
containing 53.6g of glycerin C3H8O3
in133.7g ethanol C2H5OH is 113 torr at
40C. Calculate the vapor pressure of
pure ethanol at 40C assuming that the
glycerin is a non volatile, nonelectrolyte
solute in ethanol.
Answer to #1
Psoln = Xeth Peth
113torr = 2.90mol/3.48mol (Peth)
135.6 torr = Peth
Problem #2
 At
a certain temperature, the vapor
pressure of pure benzene C6H6 is
0.930atm. A solution was prepared by
dissolving 10.0g of a nondissociating,
nonvolatile solute in 78.11g of benzene
at that temperature. The vapor pressure
was found to be 0.900atm. Assuming
the solution behave ideally, determine
the molar mass of the solute.
Answer #2
Psoln = XbenzenePbenzene
.900atm = Xbenzene (.930atm)
Xbenzene = .9677
Xsolute = .0323
MM = 10.0g/.0323mol = 310g/mol
Problem #3
A solution of NaCl in water has a vapor
pressure of 19.6 torr at 25C. What is the
mol fraction of solute particle in this
solution if the vapor pressure of water is
23.8 torr at 25C?
Answer #3
Psoln = XwaterPwater
19.6torr = Xwater(23.8torr)
.824 = Xwater therefore Xsolute = .176
Problem #3
For the same problem as #3:
What is the vapor pressure of the solution
at 45C if the vapor pressure of water is
71.9 torr at 45C?
Answer #3
Psoln = .824(71.9torr)
Psoln = 59.2 torr
Problem #4
A solution is made from 0.0300mol
CH2Cl2 and 0.0500mol CH2Br2 at 25C.
Assuming that the solution is ideal,
calculate the % composition of the vapor
at 25C.
PCH2Cl2 = 133 torr
PCH2Br2 = 11.4 torr
Answer #4
Psoln = XCH2Cl2 P + XCH2Br2 P
Psoln = (.03/.08)(133torr) + (.05/.08)(11.4 torr)
Psoln = 57.0 torr
XCH2Cl2 = 49.9 / 57 = .875 = 87.5%
XCH2Br2 = 7.13 / 57 = .125 = 12.5%
Colligative Properties
 Because
dissolved particles affect
vapor pressure - they affect phase
 Colligative properties depend only
on the number - not the kind of
solute particles present
 Useful for determining molar mass
1 atm
Vapor Pressure
of pure water
Vapor Pressure
of solution
1 atm
Freezing and
boiling points
of solvent
1 atm
Freezing and boiling
points of solution
1 atm
Boiling point Elevation
 Because
a non-volatile solute lowers
the vapor pressure it raises the boiling
 The equation is: DT = Kbmsolute
 DT
is the change in the boiling point
 Kb is a constant determined by the
 msolute is the molality of the solute
Freezing point Depression
 Because
a non-volatile solute lowers the
vapor pressure of the solution it lowers the
freezing point. Freezing occurs when Pv (l)
= Pv(s). Because the Pv(soln) is reduced,
the temp must be lowered to form a solid.
 The equation is: DT = -Kfmsolute
 DT is the change in the freezing point
 Kf is a constant determined by the solvent
 msolute is the molality of the solute
Electrolytes in solution
 Since
colligative properties only
depend on the number of molecules.
 Ionic compounds should have a
bigger effect.
 When they dissolve they dissociate.
 Individual Na and Cl ions fall apart.
 1 mole of NaCl makes 2 moles of ions.
 1mole Al(NO3)3 makes 4 moles ions.
 Electrolytes
have a bigger impact on
on melting and freezing points per
mole because they make more pieces.
 Relationship is expressed using the
van’t Hoff factor i
i = Moles of particles in solution
Moles of solute dissolved
 The expected value can be determined
from the formula of the compound.
 The
actual value is usually less
 At any given instant some of the ions
in solution will be paired up.
 Ion pairing increases with
 i decreases with increasing
 We can change our formulas to
DT = iKm
Problem #1
A 2.00 gram sample of a large
biomolecule was dissolved in 15.0 grams
of CCl4 . The boiling point of this solution
was found to be 77.85C. Calculate the
molar mass of the biomolecule.
Kb = 5.03C kg / mol
BPCCl4 = 76.5C
Answer #1
DT = Kb m
(77.85 – 76.5C) = 5.03C Kg/mol x m
.268mol/Kg = m
.268 mol/Kg = Xmol / .015kg
= .00402 mol
2.00g / .00402mol = 498g/mol
Problem #2
The freezing point of t-butanol is 25.5C
and Kf = 9.1C Kg/mol. Usually t-butanol
absorbs water on exposure to air. If the
freezing point of a 10.0 gram sample of tbutanol is 24.59C, how many grams of
water are present in the sample?
Answer #2
DT = -Kf m
(24.59 – 25.5C) = -9.1 C Kg/mol x m
.1 mol/Kg = m
.1 m = X mol H2O /.01kg = .001mol H2O
.018g H2O
Problem #3
Calculate the freezing point and the
boiling point for each:
.050m MgCl2
.050m FeCl3
Kf = 1.86C Kg/mol
Kb = 0.51C Kg/mol
Predict which will have higher BP and
which will have the lower FP
Answer #3
Dissociate each:
Mg2+ + 2ClFeCl3
Fe3+ + 3Cl-
i= 2.7
i= 3.4
MgCl2 Tf = -.25C Tb = 100.069C
FeCl3 Tf = -.32C Tb = 100.087C