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De knipselkrant over Ethiopië en zijn relatie met Nederland is een initiatief van de ENVV
en Meet & Greet Ethio - Nederland.
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Nummer 15, maart 2017
Deze knipselkrant begint anders dan
anders. Jos van Beurden beschrijft hoe de
op 16 februari 2017 overleden Dr. Richard
Pankhurst hem hielp bij een verhaal over
Ethiopië en de Verenigde Oost-Indische
Compagnie. De knipsels beginnen met een
alarm van de Verenigde Naties over een
nieuwe humanitaire ramp. De Ethiopische
regering laat ruim 11,000 arrestanten, die
berouw hebben getoond, vrij. In Khartoem,
de hoofdstad van Soedan, zijn 65
Ethiopiërs tot zweepslagen en een flinke
demonstreerden tegen een verhoging van
de kosten van een verblijfsvergunning.
Vanuit Zuid-Soedan stromen vluchtelingen
Gambella binnen. In Israël wordt een
politieman toch vervolgd voor het
EthiopischIsraëlische soldaat. Het economische
nieuws begint met een bierbericht:
Heineken en Bavaria krijgen een Franse
concurrent. Een Franse hotelketen gaat
bouwen in Addis Abeba. De toenemende
Chinese betrokkenheid bij de nieuwe
spoorverbinding tussen Djibouti en Addis
Abeba maakt het leren van Chinees
koffieproducenten bespraken, hoe zij meer
schakels van de koffieketen naar hun
landen kunnen halen. Het in Nederland
gevestigde Moyee helpt hen door de
bonen in Ethiopië zelf te laten branden.
Schoenontwerpster Bethlehem Alemu
vertelt over SoleRebels. Onderzoek naar
Europese en Afrikaanse visies op migratie
toont flinke verschillen; Afrika verwijt
Ethiopische vluchteling is Officier van
Justitie in Amerika geworden. In Ethiopië
zijn Turkse TV soapseries populair. Haile
Gebrselassie wil doping zondaars naar de
gevangenis maar, wat hem betreft, mogen
Russische atleten weer meedoen. En fans
van Eden Gebreselassie – Wesene kunnen
genieten van haar New Ethiopian Music
Video 2017.
Richard Pankhurst over de VOC
Ik bezocht Richard en Rita Pankhurst in hun
huis, vlakbij de voormalige Nederlandse
ambassade, in 2007. Ze waren zichtbaar
vergroeid met Ethiopië maar ook heel Brits
gebleven. Would you like some tea? Richard
bleek over een sterk geheugen te beschikken.
Rita vulde hem af en toe aan. Op het eind
wuifde zij mij uit. Richard bleef in zijn stoel
zitten. De lijst van zijn werken, die Rita
Pankhurst opstelde, is te vinden via
Richard Pankhurst wist veel over de contacten
tussen Ethiopië en de Verenigde Oost-Indische
Compagnie (VOC). Hij verwees naar onderzoek
van de Duitser Enno Littmann van begin vorige
eeuw en van de Nederlander Emeri van
Donzel uit de jaren vijftig en zestig.
In 1682 arriveerde een delegatie van de VOC
aan het hof van koning Iyasu in Gondar. Onder
de geschenken, die zij de Ethiopische vorst
kerkklokken. Ze waren op een soort slee, die
op houten cilinders rustte en door acht
paarden werd getrokken, van de Rode Zeekust
naar Gondar vervoerd en strekten ‘den
Nederlandschen naam tot groote eer’, zeker
zo lang ze in de Debre Berhan Selassie kerk in
Gondar hingen. Deze Dutch bell hangt daar
nog steeds. Omdat Ethiopiërs soms een
nieuwe hoofdstad kregen, ging, halverwege de
19de eeuw, één klok mee met Keizer Tewodros
naar Debre Tabor. Op het einde van de 19de
eeuw verdween de andere klok als oorlogsbuit
naar Sudan. Het is onbekend, waar die is
gebleven. Mogelijk is die omgesmolten
Gevraagd naar het waarom van het VOCbezoek, vertelde Pankhurst dat Koning Iyasu
Ethiopische koffie wilde ruilen voor koffie wel
peper, kaneel, nootmuskaat en andere
kruiden uit Zuid- en Zuidoost Azië van de VOC.
De toen nog zeer machtige VOC wilde graag
koffie kopen. De Britten hadden al een ‘koffiesteunpunt’ in Mekka. Een Armeense
onderhandelingen namens de toen nog zeer
machtige VOC. De Amharen/Am(h)ara,
noteerde Murad in zijn verslag aan de VOC,
woonden tussen andere volkeren die geen
eigen vorst, recht of religie hadden. Iyasu en
de zijnen achtten hen zelfs niet hoger dan
dieren. De priesters van de Amharen waren
zeer machtig. Ze bezaten grote stukken grond
en onderhielden nauwe relaties met het hof.
Toen de VOC- directeur in Batavia dit las,
raakte hij in de war: ‘Den Brief die wij
ontvangen hebben is van soo wonderlicke
Inhout, dat wij geen Antwoort daerop weten
te passen.’ Murad ging in 1691 nog een keer
langs in Gondar, maar weer zonder resultaat.
Pankhurst heeft nooit kunnen achterhalen
handelsverdragen tussen Ethiopië en de
Republiek der Nederlanden hadden geleid.
Zie ook:
As new drought hits, UN urges support
Commending the Ethiopian Government and
humanitarian partners on the response to last
year's El Niño drought that left 10.2 million
people needing food assistance, United
Nations Secretary-General António Guterres
and UN aid chief Stephen O'Brien ask the
international community for “total solidarity”
with Ethiopia as it faces a new drought. “And
let's be clear: that solidarity is not a matter of
generosity. It is a matter of justice and of selfinterest.”
Dutch bell in Debre Tabor
front of their embassy in protest against the
increased fees for a stay permit. Sudanese
authorities have reportedly raised the fees for
a residence permit from $46 to $308. The
protesters demanded the embassy to
intervene. The embassy guards were
overwhelmed by the protesters, which led to
the intervention of the police who detained
Politieke gevangenen vrij
Ethiopië laat ongeveer 11.500 politieke
gevangenen vrij. Het gaat om tegenstanders
die bij protesten vorig jaar waren opgepakt. Ze
orden vrijgelaten omdat ze volgens de
House endorses the State of Emergency
The House of People's Representatives has
proclamation issued by the Council of
Ministers October 8, 2016. This makes the
lawmakers the first to endorse a state of
emergency and are safely navigating the
country through unchartered waters.
Sudan Sentences Ethiopian Protesters to
A Khartoum court sentenced 65 Ethiopians to
40 lashes and a large fine or two months of
imprisonment for staging a demonstration at
their embassy. Hundreds of Ethiopian
nationals living in Khartoum demonstrated in
IOM shelters for South
Refugees in Gambella
The International Organization for Migration is
building nearly 900 transitional shelters in the
new Nguenyyiel camp for South Sudanese
refugees in the Gambella Regional State. The
camp was opened in September 2016 to
accommodate roughly 4,400 people; it
currently hosts 27,620 refugees from South
Sudan. Last year, IOM provided pre-departure
medical screening and evacuations to 53,240
refugees in Gambella. IOM cooperates with
Ethiopia’s Administration for Refugee and
Returnee Affairs (ARRA) and the Gambella
Regional Disaster Prevention and Food
Security Agency (DPFSA). The construction of
the shelters is realised with British aid money.
Police officer indicted
Ethiopian-Israeli soldier
Israel’s Attorney General informed a police
officer that he would likely be indicted for
beating Ethiopian-Israeli soldier Damas
Pakada in April 2015. It is a dramatic reversal
of his predecessor Yehuda Weinstein's June
2015 decision to close the case. Weinstein had
said that Pakada had been at least partially at
fault for the altercation and had cleared both
sides of any charges.
African and European on migration
Between Africa and Europe, large differences
exist in how migration is perceived and how it
should be managed. Within Europe, the
emphasis more strongly lies in the
containment of unregulated and irregular
migrant flows into Europe and reducing the
numbers of arriving refugees. The African
position puts more emphasis on facilitating
and better managing intra-African migration
and mobility as well as creating legal
migration opportunities to Europe. The new
European approach has led to discontent
within the African continent and weakened
the trust. A “listening more and better”
approach could be beneficial. Europe’s focus
on short-term interests and bilateral deals
should be re-balanced to also include longterm cooperation with African organisation in
support of a comprehensive African migration
Number of Ethiopian maids falls in Oman
Tighter rules, both at home and abroad,
regarding hiring of domestic workers are
having an impact on the Sultanate’s
demography. The number of Ethiopian and
Indonesians workers living in Oman dropped
sharply in 2016, that of Ethiopian from 24,009
in December 2015 to 16,673 at the end of
December 2016. It happened, “after Oman
stopped issuing visas for domestic workers
from Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Guinea and
Cameroon,” Sami Muctar, country manager,
Ethiopian Airlines, Oman, said. As the number
of Ethiopian and Indonesian workers dropped,
Omani families have begun hiring housemaids
from Uganda in Africa.
Ethiopian migrants detained in Zambia
arrive home
Nearly 150 Ethiopian migrants who had been
detained in Zambia have returned home. They
had been detained in Zambia for between one
and five years and were serving various
immigration-related sentences in prisons
across the country. Zambia has strict
immigration laws and undocumented
migrants can be prosecuted for consenting to
be smuggled and given minimum prison
sentences of 15 years. Most migrants detained
in Zambia come from the Horn of Africa and
transit through the country en route to South
Africa, where they hope to find employment
and a better future for themselves and their
Refugee now a law enforcer in America
Seifu Ragassa is an Ethiopian refugee, who
was a freelance journalist and who fled to
Kenya after his name had been listed as
someone who had to be killed. Ragassa has
become a probation and parole officer in
Carroll country. “I never thought I would be
here right now. And in law enforcement.”
Seifu Ragassa
Chinese Open New Railway from Djibouti
to Ethiopia
The first electric transnational railway in Africa
went into operation from Djibouti City to
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Among the attendants
were Chinese investors, whose 14 billion
dollar loan, funded the railway. According to
New China, the new line will cut travel time
between the two countries: while a journey by
truck takes three to four days, it is just 12
hours via the new rail line. ‘This line will
change the social and economic landscape of
our two countries’, said Ethiopia’s prime
minister, Hailemariam Desalegn. An Ethiopian
dressed up as the Chinese God of Wealth
handed out gifts for Chinese passengers, who
at the Bole International Airport for the
ceremony. Ethiopia’s main airport has
70 Ethiopian customer service professionals,
who have followed Chinese language training
aimed at providing better service to Chinese
Axereal to build brewery
French grain co-operative group Axereal is to
build a malt processing factory, as it seeks to
tap into rising demand for beer in emerging
market countries. Axereal is one of France's
biggest grain handlers and has one of the
world's largest malt makers.
French Hotel
The French brand operator Accor Hotels
Group has reached agreements with local
investors to install three additional new
brands in Ethiopia, in addition to the two it
has already. The three will be developed in
Addis Ababa with the prospects of opening
doors between 2019 and 2021.
Coffee Conference
At a Conference and Exhibition, organised by
the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA) at
the Millennium Hall, Abdullah Bagersh, the
departing chairman of AFCA, said that the
AFCA conference will help local exporters and
growers to have first-hand contact with
potential buyers. Bagersh is General-manager
of SA Bagersh Business PLC, a well-established
coffee companies in Ethiopia.
Moyee verkoopt koffie via NRC
Dankzij een samenwerking tussen NRC en het
Amsterdamse Moyee Coffee, kunnen lezers
van deze krant ‘de beste en meest eerlijke
Grand Cru koffiebonen uit Ethiopië’ kopen. Ze
zijn FairChain. Dat houdt in dat de bonen
gebrand worden in het land van herkomst. Zo
profiteren lokale ondernemers zelf veel meer.
Shoe designer hopes for repeat success
with coffee
Bethlehem Alemu's shoes have been sold
by Amazon, Urban
and Whole Foods. When she started her
business the Ethiopian accountant had
modest ambitions. "I wanted to do something
that would give me job opportunities myself
and the people around me," Alemu said. "I
immediately thought 'I have to start a small
business!'" So she quit her day job in 2005 and
founded SoleRebels, which turns scraps of
rubber from old tires and other recycled
material into stylish footwear. The shoes of
SoleRebels are handmade out of old rubber
tires combined with Ethiopian leather or
company sold
125,000 pairs of shoes in 2016 and is said to
have created 1,200 jobs. SoleRebels is also
certified by WFTO and is the 1st and only
World Fair Trade footwear brand.
SoleRebels founder Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu
Without well-developed insurance and credit
markets, rural families are exposed to serious
risks. After introducing the Productive Safety
Net Program (PSNP) in 2005, the government
introduced a pilot Community Based Health
Insurance Scheme (CBHIS) in 2011. Zemzem
Shigute and others researchers have found
out, that villagers who have joined the PSNP
better function in CBHIS.
Turkish TV series popular in Ethiopia
The number of Ethiopian viewers watching
Turkish series has seen a significant hike in
recent years and it goes hand in hand with an
increase interest in Turkish culture, Turkey’s
embassy to Ethiopia reports. Dramas such as
'Kuzey Güney' (North South) and 'Kara Para
Aşk' (Black Money Love) were at the forefront
of showing the Turkish way of life in Ethiopia.
Haile Gebreselassie willing to send
dopers to jail, but calls for Russian return
to athletics
Just recently, Ethiopia has agreed to dole out
prison sentences for athletes caught for
doping. One 22-year-old relatively unknown
runner, Girmay Birhanu is to be the first
Ethiopian jailed for using performanceenhancing drugs. He was caught using
Meldonium– the same drug that caused put
Maria Sharapova in the doghouse.
Gebreselassie: “When athletes take drugs they
may make money in the short-term, but in the
long-term, when they think about what
they’ve done, they will regret it. They are
directly cheating money out of the pockets of
other athletes.” To some nations, a prison
sentences seems a harsh punishment for
athletes seeking to shave seconds off their
race times. So far though, Germany has also
looked into sending their dishonest athletes
off to jail. But Gebreselassie’s also wants to
see the Russian blanket ban lifted.