Challenge - New power devices for electric vehicles

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PRESS RELEASE: Challenge - New power devices for electric vehicles kicked
C ontributed by: Mo ve r im
Challenge project kicked off with a successful meeting on January 23 in Brussels.
Challenge is a HORIZON 2020 project financed under the NMBP (Nanotechnologies, advanced Materials,
Biotechnology and Production) work programme that studies growth, processing and devices in cubic silicon
carbide (3C-SiC). 3C-SiC technology can have a large impact on the future power device market and is
particularly suited for implementation in hybrid electrical vehicles.
The CHALLENGE proje ct officially s tarte d in Brus s e ls with its Kick-off me e ting, propos ing a ne w s trate gic approach to
nanote chnology innovation applie d to powe r de vice s .
CHALLENGE is a re s e arch and innovation action funde d by the Europe an Union’s Horiz on 2020 re s e arch and innovation
programme , with the obje ctive of de ve loping an advance d, cos t-e ffe ctive , s us tainable mate rial s pe e ding up the
ope ration of powe r- e le ctronics de vice s bas e d on the improve d prope rtie s of the ne w mate rial and its compone nt.
The activitie s will focus on cubic s ilicon carbide (3C-SiC) growth, proce s s ing and de vice s optimis ation. This te chnology
can have a large impact in the future powe r de vice marke t, which is s e gme nte d by voltage rating.
In particular CHALLENGE is looking at improving powe r e fficie ncy in the cons ume r marke t be twe e n 600V and 1200V.
This marke t is growing rapidly and according to the main marke t age ncy pre vis ions , it will go from 100 million dollars in
2020 to 300 million dollars in 2023. Manufacture s are s till looking for the be s t te chnological s olution that will e nable
be tte r pe rformance s , e fficie ncy and cons is te nt low cos ts of powe r de vice s . The low cos t of the 3C-SiC approach and the
high s calability of this mate rial make s this te chnology e xtre me ly compe titive in the motor drive s of Ele ctric-Hybrid
Ve hicle s . This re s e arch activity is s trate gic, as it has applications in s e ve ral fie lds : from te le communication to
automotive , from cons ume r e le ctronics to e le ctrical hous e hold appliance s , from indus trial applications to home
CHALLENGE is willing to ove rcome the te chnological barrie r and facilitate the us e of a cos t e ffe ctive , low e nvironme ntal
impact ne w mate rial in the s e miconductor’s family. 14 partne rs from 7 countrie s with e xpe rtis e acros s the whole s upply
chain (e quipme nt, mate rials , characte ris ations , proce s s ing, powe r de vice s , s imulations ), are e ngage d for the ne xt 4
ye ars to maintain e xce lle nce and compe titive ne s s in Europe and furthe r de ve lop the s e miconductor’s s e ctor.
The Kick off me e ting was a gre at opportunity to me e t all the 14 partne rs including 9 private companie s and to have a
common unde rs tanding about the tas ks and role s of e ach and e ve ryone in the proje ct. More ove r partne rs pre s e nte d
the 6 work package s and dis cus s e d s ome ke y manage rial and financial is s ue s .
Proje ct title :
3C-SiCHe te ro-e pitaxiALLy grown on s ilicon compliancE s ubs trate s and ne w 3C-SiC s ubs trate s for s us taiNable wide -bandGap powEr de vice s (CHALLENGE)
Duration: 48 months
Topic: Advance d Mate rials for Powe r Ele ctronics bas e d on wide bandgap s e miconductor de vice s te chnology
Total H2020 grant: 7,997,822 €
CHALLENGE partne rs
• Cons iglio Naz ionale de lle Rice rche (ITA)
• Unive rs ity of Erlange n (D)
• Anvil Se miconductors Ltd (UK)
• Unive rs ity of Milano-Bicocca (ITA)
• Silvaco Europe Ltd (UK)
• MOVERIM Cons ulting s prl (BE)
• Ion Be am Se rvice s (FRA)
• Unive rs ity of Linkoping (SWE)
• Unive rs ity of Warwick (UK)
P a gi na 1 di 2
e innovazione
• STMicroe le ctronics (ITA)
For furthe r information, ple as e contact:
France s co La Via
CHALLENGE coordinator
Strada VIII 5, 95121 Catania,
e -mail: france s [email protected]
te l: +39 0955968229
Co ntributo r
Organisat ion
Move rim
Square Ambiorix 32 bte 43
1000 Bruxe lle s
Be lgium
We bs ite
Cont act
Mrs Silvia Anas tas ia
Se e more ne ws from this contributor
Related info rmatio n
Count ries
Be lgium, Ge rmany, France , Italy, Japan, Swe de n, Unite d Kingdom
Ele ctronics and Microe le ctronics - Mate rials Te chnology
Keywo rds
Ele ctrical and e le ctronic e ngine e ring, powe r de vice s , s ilicon carbide , he te ro-e pitaxy, bulk growth, MOSFET
Last updat ed o n 2017-01-31
Cate gory: Ne w products and te chnologie s
Provide r: WIRE
Re vis ion: 0
Recuperat o il 2017-02-06
Permalink: http://cordis .e uropa.e u/ne ws /rcn/138095_it.html
© Europe an Union, 2017
P a gi na 2 di 2
e innovazione