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June4,2014 'The NanagansettTimes
Page6-A . Wednesday,
there hnd plans to be buried
there herself. "'When she died,
her husbandcame and buriedp.,
The RoseHill Pet Cemeteryin
her asheswith her dog. I think E'
SouthKingstowo,the only ofrithat is really beautiful and
cial pet cemetery in Rhode
Three more people have
Island,hasbeenfully and propincludedwishesin their will to
erly manicuredfor the spring
and summerand is ready for a
be buriedwith their petsat Rose
seasonof mourning,celebration
Patty,who paintsmost of the
of life andremembrance.
Patty FrisellaGagneand her
stones and decorationsin the
cemetery,has storiesfrom Rose
husbandNorman, 7I and 72,
Hill rangingfrom the sentimenrespectively,have beenrunning
tal to the bizane.
the cemeterysincethe late 80s.
"There is a golden retriever
"All of my life I havewanted
sonandmotherwho bothdiedof
a pet cemetery,"saidPatty,who
cancerin the sameweek," she
receivedthree acresof property
said. "One man, an invalid,
buried his dog in a big metal
locker and wantsto put himself
of the middle of her and his
other dog. What you see out
thereis his little plot that he has
made. It's so cute. That's a
shrine to that dog. There's a
hugewhite fencearoundthirtyfive cats.He buriesall of his cats
himself and puts the nameson
them himself.Everythingis out
there from parrots,guineapigs,
a lamb andhorses."
RoseHill Pet Cemeter!,hidden in the woods off of Rose
Hill Road,had to go throughthe
town's zoningboardto make it
the first legalpet cemeteryin the
Patty prides herself in the
Pnoro sv BeNlAMnBnnNcHAUD
affordabilityof the plots andher
Upon crossing the bridge to the Rose Hill Pet Cemetery, the willingnessto work with those
Frisella family plot will be the first thing that a visitor notices. who are grieving the loss of a
"When we were younger,
nobody had enough money to
bury an animal," she said. "So
we keep the price so low that
anybodycan. We've got people
thatjust sit thereevery day and
just cry until theyget pastit. It's
a very emotionalthing. It's like
they've lost part of their family,
which they have."
kids just can't find the placeor
they have all seenthe Stephen
King movie by now, Patty
claims that nothing has ever
been stolen or disruptedat the
"It's great to seewhat some
peoplehaveput up," saidPatty.
"Anything that peoplecan do to
PHoro sv Bexlnun BRnrucHAuD
honorand remembertheir pet, I
The largest and most decoratedplot in the cemeterybelongsto saydo it."
a man who has already buried his dog Thra and has plans to
bury his current dog and, eventually,himself in the sameplot.
from her father after her dog
passed away and she had
nowhereto bury him. "One of
the first burials we had was a
college professor who had a
black lab. He buried his dog
with a $ 1 million check.He said
his dog wasworth a million dollars."
Ranging from raccoonsto
horses,the pet cemeteryis the
final restingplacefor morethan
100 Rhode Island pets - and
even some of the pet owners
"Nobody would ever guess
thatthereis a lady in there,"said
Paffy, whose brother is buried