FCAI View on Roll Over Protection in Australia

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Transcript FCAI View on Roll Over Protection in Australia

Rhys Griffiths
30 July 2013
A global industry
Motorcycles are not cars
Safety / Technology in motorcycles
In 2008 there was an estimated 301 million
PTWs in regular use around the world
This represents a near doubling of the figure
from 2000
90% of these PTWs are found in Asia
38 million new PTWs sold in 2008
85% of all new PTWs sold in Asia
Estimated 3.5 – 4 million people employed
worldwide in industry, directly & indirectly
Australian PTW estimated park in 2012 is
This represents 4.25% of all registered
vehicles in Australia
Globally the Australian market represents
only 0.25% of total sales
92,000 PTWs sold in Australia in 2012
Motorcycle and related industries in Australia
employ approximately 5,500 people
Estimated contribution of $3.6 billion to
Australian economy
Australian market is unique in Asia Pacific
Australian market is more closely aligned
with USA and Europe
Market is broadly divided into three PTW
segments, Off-Road (41%), Road (47%) and
Scooter (12%)
However within Off-road and Road segments
there are several sub-categories, further
dividing the market
Significant percentage of Off-road product is
not or non registrable
Motorcycles are, in a vast majority of cases, a
non-essential (discretionary) purchase
Motorcycles are, in a vast majority of
instances, used for recreation, even on public
The usage of motorcycles, and type of
motorcycles spans all types imaginable
The demographic of motorcycle riders is as
broad as society itself
Motorcycles are a single track
Technology that is applicable to
motorvehicles may not be
applicable to motorcycles
Skills required to control a
motorcycle are unique
◦ Chassis
◦ Engine configuration; drive mechanism
◦ Wind / weather protection; comfort; control
◦ Suitable for different terrain; adjustable
◦ Suitable for terrain; grip; wear; punctures
Motorcycle Brake Systems
◦ Motorcycle Brakes are usually separated into front
and rear with independent actuation
◦ Requires skill and practice to achieve optimum
◦ If over applied cause wheel lockup and loss of
Antilock Braking Systems
◦ Now small, lightweight and unobtrusive
◦ High powered processing units
◦ Specifically adapted to motorcycle needs
◦ Will be mandatory fitment for motorcycles above
125cc from 2016 (for new type approvals) and for
all new vehicles from 2017 (Europe)
◦ Enduro and Trials motorcycles are exempted
◦ USA appears to have little appetite to strongly
pursue mandating ABS
◦ Approximately 80% of motorcycles on sale in
Australia (FCAI members) have ABS either as
standard fitment or as an option*
◦ ABS not appropriate for all riding conditions. Offroad trail / enduro / motocross etc. style
motorcycles not suited to ABS
ABS is one technical aid that can, if used
appropriately, help in some potential accident
◦ Research has shown that a relatively small
proportion of accidents result from over application
of brakes resulting on a motorcycle “overturn”
(about 1% front wheel, and 8% rear wheel) (MAIDS,
2004 and Hurt et al, 1981)
◦ Some academic ABS research, using extrapolated
and comparative data draws unrealistic conclusions
about the potential benefits of ABS
Intelligent Transport Systems
Manufacturers are aware of the potential
societal benefits of ITS (vehicles, infrastructure
and traffic systems)
Vehicle usage, aspects such as size, usage and
exposure to environment and vehicle dynamics
vary considerably, as well as from vehicle to
Deployment will depend on rider acceptance
Individual manufacturers working on ITS and
solutions. Challenge will be harmonisation and
agreement on what technology to pursue
Traction Control Systems
◦ Already in use in conjunction with ABS systems
◦ Multi adjustable to suit riding conditions
◦ Not suitable for all road conditions or riding types
◦ Needs to be able to be deactivated on motorcycles
with off-road capability
Motorcycle Rider Protection
◦ Personal Protective Gear
New materials and impact absorbent protection
Lightweight helmets
Kevlar / Carbon fibre clothing
Heated clothing
Hi Visibility Clothing
Create and deliver value;
◦ Integrating technology at an affordable price
Factors to be considered;
◦ Worldwide markets
◦ Urban transport vs. recreation
◦ Design and development cycle
Understanding the issue
◦ Accident Data collection
◦ Licencing (dual challenges)
Transport Policy
Road Safety
Protective Clothing
Road Surface
◦ Appropriate and affordable training
Choosing the correct motorcycle
◦ Licence and usage
◦ Understanding the risk
◦ Protective Clothing
Application of knowledge
◦ Initial Training, and refresher training
◦ Minimising the risk
Understanding limitations
◦ Both Motorcycle and rider
Motorcycle industry is a global industry;
◦ Australia accounts for only 0.25% of Global
Motorcycle sales
◦ Australia cannot drive Global market requirements
Industry continues to innovate;
◦ Manufacturers continue to seek competitive
advantage through application of technology
◦ Driven by competition
◦ Rider safety; Customer mindset, understanding
riders motivation to be safe
You cannot engineer a solution to a
behavioural problem