Overview  The purpose of this seminar is to make you more Familiar with motorcycles.

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Transcript Overview  The purpose of this seminar is to make you more Familiar with motorcycles.

The purpose of this seminar is to make you more
Familiar with motorcycles. In this presentation
we will discuss:
Why Familiarity Helps
Who Rides Motorcycles
Road Hazards
Why Motorists Collide with Motorcycles
• Blind Spots
• Driver Distractions
• How You Can Help
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Why Familiarity?
“Research shows drivers who also ride
motorcycles and those with family members or
close friends who ride are more likely to observe
motorcyclists and less likely to collide with them.”
(Brooks, 1990)
Becoming familiar with motorcycles reduces the
odds that one day you will have a collision with
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1955 - 450,000 motorcycles registered in U.S.
1970 - 1.1 million motorcycles registered in U.S.
1975 - 5 million motorcycles registered in U.S.
Today estimates of motorcycles registered in the
U.S. alone exceed 10 million. There are more
motorcycles on the road today than ever before.
Motorcycles are more difficult to detect in traffic
& Motorists need to “Think Motorcycles” & train
themselves to look for them.
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Be aware most crashes involving motorcyclists
are due to the failure of motorists to detect and
recognize motorcycles in traffic.
75% of motorcycle crashes involve another vehicle.
66% of motorcycle crashes with other vehicles are
caused by the motorist failing to yield the right-of-way.
Over 40% of all motorcycle crashes occur at
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Who Rides Motorcycles
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Who Rides Motorcycles
The motorcycling community is a diverse
cross section of our population, who ride
for many different reasons.
Many people are turning to small
economical motorcycles
for commuting.
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Who Rides Motorcycles
The motorcycling community is a diverse cross
section of our population.
Anyone might ride a motorcycle! Sometimes even
children ride as passengers.
Riders are real people, just like you, with families that
love and depend on them, just like you!
The motorcyclist next to you in traffic could be your
child’s teacher, your friend, neighbor, plumber, doctor, or
even one of your family members.
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Why Motorists Collide with Motorcycles
Motorists fail to look for motorcycles. Motorists are
familiar with looking for other motorists, not motorcycles.
Due to their smaller size, motorists often misjudge a
motorcycles speed & distance.
Driver distractions or inattention.
Motorcycle is temporarily obscured from motorist view
as the result of a blind spot.
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Driver Distractions
In today’s society motorists are diverting more
& more attention away from the primary task of
the safe operation of their vehicle.
Passengers, eating, smoking, shaving, applying
make-up, reading, and managing audio systems
are all traditional driver distractions.
Now we add cellular telephones and navigation
systems to the mix of other distractions.
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Driver Distractions
The safe operation of your vehicle should be your
primary concern. Operating a motor vehicle in itself
is a complex operation requiring concentration along
with hand, foot and eye coordination.
The more distracted a motorist becomes, the greater
the odds of a collision.
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What Types of
Blind Spots Are There?
We will discuss 4 types of Blind Spots:
Areas around your car that you cannot see in your mirrors
are commonly called Blind Spots.
Stationary objects that hide things from your view produce
a second kind of Blind Spot.
Moving vehicles also block your view of the driving
environment creating a third type of Blind Spot.
Finally, things inside your car can also obstruct your view
and create Blind Spots.
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Fixed Blind Spots
They must be checked
constantly for hazards
before you take action!
They exist around you
and can be reduced,
but are seldom
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Shifting Blind Spots
Any object that blocks your view of potential hazards
can affect your decision making ability.
 If the object is stationary, the Blind Spot ‘shifts’
around the object as you drive past it.
 Examples:
Bus stop shelter, phone booth, or light pole on a corner as
you approach an intersection. Others?
The bigger the object, the more it can hide.
 Do you think a light pole can hide a motorcycle from
a driver when approaching an intersection?
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Shifting Blind Spots
As you approach
a fixed object, you
can imagine a
shadow cast
behind it from
your point of view.
March 2009
The space behind an
object can hide a
pedestrian, motorcycle,
car, or other hazard!
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Shifting Blind Spots
As you get closer
to the object, its
shadow rotates
around the object,
and blocks out a
growing space.
March 2009
Until you pass the
object, you must be
careful to double
check both sides of
the shaded space.
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Shifting Blind Spots
By constantly
scanning ahead as
you approach, you
may see objects
before they enter
the Blind Spot.
March 2009
The closer a fixed
object is to the
corner, the more
caution you must
Proceed carefully!
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Rolling Blind Spots
Other traffic creates ‘rolling’ Blind Spots whether
your vehicle is stopped or moving.
 From your position behind the wheel, the rolling
Blind Spot moves through your field of view.
 A truck can block your view of traffic both behind it
and on the other side of the truck.
 An approaching SUV can easily hide a motorcycle
traveling behind it.
 A smart motorcyclist or driver won’t tailgate, and
will position his/her vehicle to be seen by other
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Rolling Blind Spots
Any object blocking your
view of vital information
creates a Blind Spot!
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Rolling Blind Spots
As the object moves, the
Blind Spot moves with it,
changing in size but
continuing to hide
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Rolling Blind Spots
How do we reduce the
possibility of an incident
when the information is
not available?
March 2009
Be patient. Make sure there
are no hazards hidden in the
Blind Spot. Look Twice!
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Interior Obstructions
Things inside your car can block our view of the
driving environment and cause even more Blind Spots.
 It can be something you decorate your car with, your
children or pets, or even structural components of the
 They may seem harmless enough but can cause big
problems while driving in traffic.
March 2009
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
How Do We Eliminate
Blind Spots?
Some are going to be there no matter what.
Be prepared to deal with each type.
How can you reduce the risk?
March 2009
Adjust your mirrors to minimize fixed Blind Spots.
Use your mirrors frequently and use head checks often to know what
is in your fixed Blind Spots.
Always know what is around you in case of an emergency.
Scan the road ahead continuously for potential hazards, moving
objects, things that will create Blind Spots.
Take extra time to find out what is hidden from your view by shifting
and rolling Blind Spots.
Don’t proceed until you know the space you are about to enter is
clear. No guessing!!
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Hazardous Driving Scenarios
Actions by drivers in everyday traffic that
pose the greatest risk to motorcyclists:
Turning across oncoming traffic.
Left or right turn at intersection from a stop.
Blind spots temporarily hiding motorcycles.
Unsafe following distances.
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Left Turn Across Traffic
One of the most common types
of car – motorcycle collisions
Driver turns left in
front of motorcycle
as though it isn’t
even there!
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Right Turn at Intersection
Single headlight and
narrow profile make it
difficult to judge distance
and speed of the
oncoming motorcycle.
Failure to yield
What are the
possible results?
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Left Turn at Intersection
Similar situation with a
left turn, but now driver
is concerned about
crossing another lane of
traffic first.
Again, failure to yield the
What actions can
drivers take to avoid
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Unsafe Following Distance
• Both vehicles are traveling the posted speed – 55mph
• The car is ½ second (40+’) behind the sidecar in deer country
What happens when the
sidecar rider encounters
an emergency situation?
That’s gonna hurt!
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
How You Can Help
Think Motorcycles – Every time you drive
expect motorcycles to be on the road with you.
Make it your practice to actively look for
motorcycles. In time it will become a habit &
you will reduce the chances of having a
collision with a motorcyclist.
Share the Road – Be courteous, signal your
intentions of a turn or lane change. Check the
Blind Spots before you move.
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
How You Can Help
Give motorcycles more space than you would
give other vehicles. Remember motorcycles do
not have protective exteriors like other motor
Allow at least a 3-second following distance
behind a motorcycle during good driving
conditions. In poor weather or wet roads
increase the following distance to 5-seconds.
Be especially cautious at intersections & when
entering or exiting driveways.
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
How You Can Help
Keep multi-tasking to a minimum – Focus on
the primary task at hand, the safe operation
of your vehicle.
Drive Aware – Motorcycles are everywhere!
“Have You Seen a Motorcycle Today?”
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!
Motorist Awareness Division
And Please - LOOK TWICE!
November 2008
LOOK TWICE – Save a Life!