Content and Language Integrated Learning 5th December 2016

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Content and Language
Integrated Learning
5th December 2016
16.00 – 17.30
I.I.S.S. “Del Prete-Falcone”
Via G. Mazzini, s.n. – Sava (TA)
A workshop for teachers organized by Accènto Language Institute
16.00 - 16.15
Introduzione al CLIL
16.15 – 16.30
L’Insegnamento della Disciplina in CLIL
16.30 – 16.50
CLIL principles to prepare a History lesson
16.50 – 17.30
CLIL History Lesson
 Dott. Cosimo Abatematteo, responsabile della direzione didattica
 Dott.ssa Caroline Powell, direttrice didattica
Scuola di lingue - [email protected]
080 4302423