Rijeka lectures in comparative law

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Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka
Croatian Comparative Law Association
jointly present
Rijeka lectures in
comparative law
A scientific community forum brining speakers from around the
world to discuss current developments in comparative law.
Prof.ssa Francesca
14 November 2016, 11 h, Blue Room
The Right to Cultural Heritage in the EU and Trade
Francesca Fiorentini is an Associate Professor of Private Comparative
Law at University of Trieste (Italy). She is a member of the Società Italiana
per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato. In 2004-2007 she was a Research
Associate at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und
internationales Privatrecht of Hamburg (Germany) and in 2006-2007 she
was also a Marie Curie Fellow at the Zentrum für Europäisches
Rechtspolitik (ZERP) of the University of Bremen (Germany). She
diritto comparator (Staempfli 2009) and co-edited a book The Factual
This lecture is funded
by the project
Assessment of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (Sellier 2010).
authored a monograph Le garanzie immobiliari in diritto europeo. Studio di
Faculty of Law
Hahlić 6, 51000 Rijeka