Final Conference Milan, 24 November 2016 Agenda

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Transcript Final Conference Milan, 24 November 2016 Agenda

Final Conference Milan, 24 November 2016

Venue: Novotel Milano Nord Ca’ Granda (Viale Suzzani 13)


10:00-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:15 11:15-11:45 Registration Welcome and presentation of the Project “ITEM”

Salvo Leonardi (Fondazione Di Vittorio and project manager)

Chair: Carles Catala (CC.OO – Catalunya)

The EWC Recast Directive: principles, effects and juridical problems Giorgio Verrecchia (Labour lawyer and trade unions adviser) European Works Councils: fact and figures Romuald Jagodinski (ETUI)

11:45-12:00 Discussion 12:00-12:30

EWCs assessment and requirement: outcomes from the EFFAT activities Enrico Somaglia (EFFAT)


Europe and MNCs: the challenge of the collective bargaining Fausto Durante (Coordinator European and International Policies Area - CGIL)

13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:30 Chair: Frank Jones (SIPTU, Ireland)

The Transnational Companies and labour. Implications for theory and for effects Grazia Gilles-Ietto ( Birkbeck and London South Bank University)

Discussant: Anna Maria Romano (trade unions financial adviser) 14:30-14:45 Discussion 14:45-15:15

Organizing and campaigning: a new unionism in times of globalization Daniele Di Nunzio (Researcher at the Fondazione Di Vittorio)

15:15-15:30 Discussion 15:30-15:45 Coffee break 15:30-16:00 Chair: Ina Atanasova (WETCO-CITUB - Bulgaria)

Training EWCs delegates: approaches, methodologies and experiences Andrea Husen-Bradley (ETUI)


Gabriele Guglielmi (Filcams-Cgil)

16:00-16:30 Conclusions

Fabio Ghelfi (CGIL Lombardia)

Active languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian Contact: Antonello Claps, +39 06 85797201 ([email protected])

Budget Heading INFORMATION, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION OF REPRESENTATIVES OF UNDERTAKINGS EU Grant Agreement VS/2014/0471 I.T.E.M. - Fostering employee involvement at company level by training the main actors dealing with European multinationals

Project website:

Coordinator Partners

Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio (ITALY) CCOO de Catalunya (SPAIN) CGIL Lombardia (ITALY) EFFAT (BELGIUM) FILCAMS (ITALY) IDEAS Institute (IRELAND) WETCO (BULGARIA) WITH THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion