Introduction to the HRPP/IRB

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Transcript Introduction to the HRPP/IRB

Introduction to the
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
 Welcome to the Baruch HRPP Office’s video that will provide a brief
overview of the goals and responsibilities of the HRPP and IRB as
they relate to researchers.
 This video should provide you with a more comprehensive
understanding of how these two offices relate to your research and
provide information about resources available to you as you
navigate the application process.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
 The CUNY University Integrated Institutional Review Board is charged
with protecting the rights and welfare of human research
 The UI IRB ensures that proposed research follows federal guidelines
and accepted ethical principles.
 The UI IRB is made of researchers and community members;
scientists and non-scientists.
 IRB members have various backgrounds and experience with
different methodologies. Keep this in mind as you write your
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
The HRPP Office
 The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) ensures that CUNY
research complies with federal and State regulations, University
policy, and the highest ethical standards.
 Oversight
 Administrative support
 Educational training
 The HRPP concentrates on the review of IRB protocols and the
quality of the overall research program university-wide.
 There are 19 on-site HRPP Offices at CUNY.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
CUNY Oversight of Human Subjects Research
 HSR Principles, Regulations, Laws and Policies
HRPP Services
 Our goal is to provide researchers with the necessary resources to
submit applications to our office and the IRB in a timely and
straightforward manner.
 Application Assistance
 Assistance with the development and submission of an IRB
Application on IDEATE
 The HRPP Liaison and Assistant are available to assist with the
development of proposals. Please go to our website and click
on the “Investigators Assistance” link for further details.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
HRPP Services
 Departmental/Classroom Presentations – The HRPP Office will
conduct department/classroom presentations in consultation with
departmental chairs, faculty members, and instructors. Please
contact the HRPP Coordinator, who will assist with setting up a
 Guidance regarding HRPP Policy and Procedures – The HRPP
Coordinator will assist researchers with interpreting CUNY policies
and procedures to ensure compliance. This includes but is not
limited to assisting investigators with determining whether or not
their project requires HRPP/IRB Review, assessing the level of review,
or navigating researchers through the CUNY IRB process.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
Levels of Review
Full (3)
Expedited (2)
Exempt (1)
Non-Human Subjects
Research/ CUNY NonEngagement (1)
HRPP Videos
 Faculty Advisor Responsibilities – This video provides an overview of faculty
advisor responsibilities for student-conducted human subjects research.
 Step-by-Step Series – These videos will go step-by-step through the IDEATE
Application for exempt and expedited/full board reviews.l
 Creating a Satisfactory IRB Application – This video discusses the elements of
creating an IRB Application providing tips to assist researchers in developing
and submitting a satisfactory IRB Application.
 Does My Project Require HRPP/IRB Review? - This video discusses what
constitutes research and what projects require HRPP/IRB Review.
 Assessing the Level of IRB Review Series (Upcoming) – These videos will help
faculty advisors and researchers with determining the level of IRB Review
required for IRB Applications.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
HRPP Resources
 CUNY HRPP Website
 Baruch HRPP Website
 CUNY Templates & Resources Materials
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office
HRPP Office Staff
 Keisha Peterson, HRPP Coordinator
Email: [email protected] ; Telephone: 646-312-2217
 Priyanka Mitra-Hahn, HRPP Liaison
Email: [email protected]
 Jill Douek (Psychology), HRPP Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Office