Transcript cltut 9007

Demands on next generation
dynamical solvers
Model and Data
Hierarchies for
Simulating and
Understanding Climate
Marco A. Giorgetta
(My) wish list for the dynamical solver
Conserves mass, tracer mass (and energy)
Numerical consistency between continuity
and transport equation
Well behaved dynamics
Low numerical noise
Low numerical diffusion
Physically reasonable dispersion relationship
Grid refinements (of different kinds)
Numerical consistency between continuity
and transport equation
Example: ECHAM
A spectral transform dynamical core solving for:
… using 3 time level “leap frog” time integration scheme
A hybrid “eta” vertical coordinate:
Relative vorticity
Log(surface pressure)
Pressure at interface between layers:
Mass of air in a layer x g:
p(k,t) = a x p(t) + b
dp(k,t) = p(k+1,t) - pi(k,t)
A flux form transport scheme
q, cloud water, cloud ice, (and tracers for chemistry or aerosols
… using a 2 time level scheme
 PROBLEM: tracer mass not conserved
ICON dynamical core + transport scheme
Triangular grid
Hydrostatic dynamics
Hybrid vertical “eta” coordinate
2 time level semi-implicit time stepping
Flux form semi-Lagrangian transport scheme
Jablonowski-Williamson test
Initial state = zonally symmetric, but dynamically instable flow
Initial perturbation  Baroclinic wave develops over ~10 days
4 Tracers, of which Q4(x,y,z,t=0) = 1
Daniel Reinert, DWD
Grid refinements (of different kinds)
Grid refinement
Dynamical core
Adjust scheme to expected errors ( FE schemes)
static or dynamic/adaptive?
Re-distribute grid points or create/destroy grid points?
2d or 3d? Boundary layer, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere
Single time integration scheme or recursive schemes?
Conservation properties?
Submodels: embedded dynamical models – “super-parameterizations”
Cost function
How to predict the need for refinement, and what for? Target/goal?
How to confine computational costs?
Generating the icosahedral triangular grid
Other kinds of grid refinements
(A) Hexagon
(B) re-distributing cells
Refining the grid
Grid refinement
Refinement by bi-section of triangle edges: 1
triangle  4 triangles
1 or more refined regions
1 or more refinement levels per region
Two-way nesting
1. Compute one time step on parent domain  dX/dt
2. Interpolate the tendencies to the lateral boundary of
the nested domain
3. Perform 2 time steps(*) on the nested domain
4. Feed back the increments
(*) For more levels  Apply recursion
 Numerical discontinuities!
Leonidas Linardakis, MPI-M
Mountain induced Rossby wave
Vorticity at ~ 3 km MSL after 20 days of simulation
2000-m circular mountain at 30°N/90°E
Initial condition: Zonal flow with
maximum speed of 20 m/s
(A) Global with 140 km resolution
(B) Global with 35 km resolution
(C) As (A), but 2-step refined circular
region with resolution of (B)
(A) global resolution 140 km
(B) global resolution 35 km
(C) global res. 140 km, regional res. 35 km
Günther Zängl, DWD
High Performance Computing
How to get faster:
Faster CPUs
Faster connections between CPU, memory and disk faster
Parallelization over more CPUs
Modify code design to account for architecture of CPUs
CPUs share memory
CPUs have their own memory
Scalar/vector CPUs
Sizes of intermediate, fast access memories (“Caches”)
The past was dominated by improved CPUs
The future will be dominated by more CPUs
Distribute the work to many CPUs
Works well for local computations : cells, columns, (levels), …
Works badly for non-local task: integrals, global organization, …
 Serial and parallel sections in a code
On 1 CPU:
On 4 CPUs:
 Amdahl’s law
The serial fraction of work limits the speedup
P = fraction of the work
that can be parallelized
1-P = remainder, which
cannot be parallelized
S = 1/(1-P) =
maximum speedup
for N  ∞
The serial fraction of work limits the maximum speedup!
For illustration: Computer at DKRZ
IBM Power6 CPUs
ECHAM GCM at ~1° resolution
250 nodes
16 CPUs/node
 total = 4000 CPUs
2 cores/CPU
 total = 8000 cores
2 floating point units/core
64 parallel processes/node
Scales “well” up to 20 nodes = 640 cores (with parallel I/O)
Problem: Spectral transform method used for dynamical core
Requires transformations between spherical harmonics and grid point fields
 global data exchange, transpositions.
Future: ~105 cores  New model necessary
Select numerical scheme, which is
Sufficiently accurate with respect to your problem
Computationally efficient
Fast on single CPUs
Minimize global data exchange (Transformations, “fixers”, I/O)
Find optimal way to distribute work
Practical issues:
Optimization the code for the main computer platform
Account for strengths/weaknesses of available compilers
Avoid “tricks” which will stop the code to work on other platforms
Optimize first the most expensive parts
Other problems in HPC
Data storage:
Data accessibility:
Bandwidth between disks/tapes and post-processing computer
Post-processing software must be parallelized
Data description
Disk capacities grow less than computing power
Bandwidth between computer and storage system
ESMs can produce HUGE amounts of data
Finite lifetime of disks or tapes  backups or re-computing?
Documentation of model, experimental setup, formats etc.
Climate models are no longer a driver for the HPC