Literacy Night Presentation

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Transcript Literacy Night Presentation

Welcome to Literacy Night!
February 18, 2016
Meet Richard Owusu
Your Chestatee’s Biggest Reader Log?
1 winner for every homeroom
Awesome awards: Laughing with Livermore,
Movie in the media center, and many more!
Signed award from Mrs. Wiggins
Ages 3-5 can go with Mr. Reed to Room 142
Chestatee students are invited to the media
center for BINGO and prizes!
5. Use a timer
4. Make it a game or a challenge
“I bet you can’t read this whole book tonight!”
3. Write a reading contract.
I, (child’s name) __________, will read __________ minutes a day if I can (pick rewards:
device time, TV, play outside, etc.)______ when I am finished.
Students’ Signature_______________
Parents’ Signature________________
2. Add “Reading” to a chore chart
1. Do it together… this is time spent together and attention your child dearly wants
from you. Your reading is also great modeling.
Monday, 2/22 at 7:15 or 2:45
Wednesday, 2/24 at 1:15
Friday, 2/26 at 7:30 or 1:15
 Meet
Mr. Steve Straughan
To assess the understanding and mastery of
the ELA Georgia Standards of Excellence
To build stamina in students
To work on multi-step questions/tasks
K/1 students go to Mrs. Tatum’s Room 213
2/3 students go to Mrs. Schwartz’s Room 205
4/5 students go to Mrs. Faulkner’s Room 307
 Ticket
Out the Door
 Raffle