Information Literacy lesson - PPT

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Transcript Information Literacy lesson - PPT

Information Literacy
Information Literacy includes:
The ability of a student to:
1. Identify the need for information
Select a topic
2. Access information
Perform Web and library database searching (HW 1 and Lab 8)
3. Evaluate information critically
Determine if sources are relevant, current, reliable (Lab 8)
4. Use information for the specific purpose
Write the paper (Final Project)
5. Use information ethically and legally
Correctly compile in-text citations and reference list (HW 2)
APA formatting
Rules of style and formatting pertaining to uniformity in
written communication.
Includes uniform use of:
punctuation and abbreviations
construction of tables
selection of headings
citation of references, and
presentation of statistics
First developed over 80 years ago
APA's style rules and guidelines are set out in a reference book called The
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
APA basics
The APA style paper has 4 major sections
– Title page
– Abstract page
– Main Body
– References page
Title page
• Page header – 1 line at the top of the page includes:
– The words : “Running Head:” followed by the title of the
paper flush left
– The page number flush right
• title of the paper
– in upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half
of the page with no more than 12 words in length.
– All text on the title page, and throughout your paper,
should be double-spaced.
– title may take up one or two lines.
• author's name,
• institutional affiliation
Sample title page
Abstract Page
• Begin a new page.
• Include the page header (described above
except without the words “Running head”).
• On the first line of the abstract page, center
the word “Abstract” (no bold, formatting,
italics, underlining, or quotation marks).
• Beginning with the next line (no indentation),
write a concise summary of the key points of
your research.
Sample abstract page
Main Body
• typed, double-spaced, standard (8.5" x 11")
paper, 1" margins on all sides, 12 pt, Times New
Roman font.
• page header at the top of every page (do not use
the words “Running head”.
• in-text citations required - follow the authordate method (author's last name and the year of
publication for the source should appear in the
text, for example, (Jones, 1998),
• All in-text citations must appear in the reference
list at the end of the paper.
Sample Main Body
References page
• Double spaced
• hanging indentation - All lines after the first
line of each entry in your reference list should
be indented one-half inch from the left margin
• Authors' names are inverted (last name first)
• Alphabetized by the last name of the first
Sample References page
Library DB:
Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of
Online Periodical. Retrieved from
Web page:
Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of document.
Retrieved from
Your information literacy
Select a
• Topics in IT
• HW 1
• Lab 7
Read and
• Read everything
• Make notes
Outline the
• HW 2
Write the
• Final project
the PPT
• Final project
Make oral