Transcript PowerPoint

Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation
from Magnetic Motion Capture Data
James F. O’Brien, Robert E. Bodenheimer,
Gabriel J. Brostow, Jessica K. Hodgins
• No joints
• Mechanical Linkage
• After doing the
• Human system
• Good system for acquiring human limb
– Automatically create graphical characters
with correct size
– Motion reuse – to match the size of the
mocap data to the size of the characters
• Essentially a process of fitting a
parameterized model to a distribution
– This model was simple…
• Rigid bodies, basic joints, no deformation
• It did poorly on human shoulder where joint is
– More complicated models could be used
• Elastic deformation of limbs, joints lacking a
simple center of rotation, variation due to inertial
Why is Motion Capture Good?
• Human and human-like characters
• Retains subtle elements of a performer’s
• Powerful solution when animations must
be generated quickly
– Immersive virtual environments
Why is Motion Capture Bad?
• Optical and magnetic systems suffer
from sensor noise
• Sensors require careful calibration
• Precise measurements of limb lengths
– Taken by hand in a reference pose
– Tedious
– Prone to error
– Often impractical
What must be built?
• Hierarchy of
– Can we infer
what is
connected to
In more detail…
• For two trackers i and j, where is the joint
between them that preserves limb
Purpose of Algorithm
• Address the problems associated with
calibration by automatically computing
joint locations
• Perks
– No external measurement
– No constraints on sensor placement
– No posing in particular configurations
• Requirement
– Data must exercise all DOF of joints for an
unambiguous answer
Method Comparison
• Some methods
– Joint location determined from weighted average of points
– Concerned with detailed model from data points
• Use multiple markers for redundancy
– Instantaneous joint center from single instant of motion
• This method
– Does not require manual processing of data
– More concerned with creating animation
– Not an IK technique since dimensions of skeleton aren’t
• Could be considered a preliminary step to IK computation
– Joints are reasonable approximation over entire sequence of
Outline of Method
• For two limbs: parent and child
– There is some point(s) in the limbs’
coordinate systems that is always the same
• World position of joint j
should be the same
when measured relative
to tracker position of
parent and child
• Problems
– Q has more rows than columns (system is overconstrained)
– Input motions do not span the space of rotations
(system is under-constrained)
• Solution
– Solve for a least squares solution
• Small problems with single-axis joints
– Solution (joint center) is arbitrary point on axis
– Avoid this by exercising full range of motion and all
DOF of joints
Determining the Body Hierarchy
• Finding optimal hierarchy = finding a minimum
spanning tree
– Body = node
– Joint = edge
– Fit error (ei) = edge weight
• Select root node t
• Minimize ei for all joints in the hierarchy
• Residual errors cause joints to move apart
during playback
– Use inferred join locations and create an articulated
model with kinematic joint constraints
• Simulated human figure
– Correct hierarchy, errors less than 10-6 m
• Wooden mechanical figure with five ball-andsocket joints
– 6 trials (last one markers were moved)
– Maximum error was 1.1cm
– Correct hierarchy in every case
• People
– “Exercise” set
– “Walk” set
• Male
– Max error 4.1 cm
– Average less than 1 cm (upper arms 1.4cm and 2.2cm for left
and right arms)
• Female
– Max error 2.4 cm
– Average greater than 1 cm
• Problems
– Upper leg child of other upper leg instead of pelvis
• Speed on SGI O2 with 195MHz R10k
– < 4 seconds for 45 seconds of motion capture when hierarchy
– < 14 seconds when hierarchy was not specified
• Results are good, given resolution of
• Provides a fast way to accomplish
calibration for magnetic motion capture
• Applications where explicit calibration is
– “Exercise” could be a pre-show portion of
location-based entertainment experience