Daily Announcements

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CS 415
Daily Announcements
Friday, 26 August 2005
• Readings:
– Read Chapter 1 for next Monday
– Read Algol 60 report for next Wednesday
– Read some of chapter 2 for the following Monday (5 Sep)
• Intro, 2.1, 2.2 (skim 2.2.4 & 2.2.5), 2.3 (cs302 review), 2.4
• Change to syllabus
– Quizzes!
• Will be online, outside of class
– There will be an Algol 60 quiz
• First homework (Fortran) is expected Monday
Monday, 29 August 2005
• Readings:
– Read Chapter 1 for today
– Read Algol 60 report for Wednesday
– Read some of chapter 2 for next Monday (5 Sep)
• Intro, 2.1, 2.2 (skim 2.2.4 & 2.2.5), 2.3 (cs302 review), 2.4
• Change to syllabus
– Quizzes!
• Will be online, outside of class
– There will be an Algol 60 quiz
• First homework (Fortran) is expected later today or tomorrow
• TA is Kevin Dale
– Office hours: Mon 11-12:30, Wed 1-2:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
Wednesday, 31 August 2005
• Readings:
– Read Algol 60 report for today
– Read Dijkstra’s “goto considered harmful” for Friday
– Read some of chapter 2 for next Monday (5 Sep)
• Intro, 2.1, 2.2 (skim 2.2.4 & 2.2.5), 2.3 (cs302 review), 2.4
• First homework (Fortran) is out
– Due a week from Friday (9 Sep)
• Individual project information is out today as well
– Project proposal is due two weeks from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is Kevin Dale
– Office hours: Mon 11-12:30, Wed 1-2:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
Friday, 2 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read Dijkstra’s “goto considered harmful” for today
– Read some of chapter 2 for next Monday (5 Sep)
• Intro, 2.1, 2.2 (skim 2.2.4 & 2.2.5), 2.3 (cs302 review), 2.4
• First homework (Fortran) is out
– Due a week from Friday (9 Sep)
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due two weeks from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is Kevin Dale
– Office hours: Mon 11-12:30, Wed 1-2:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
John Backus
• Chemistry major at UVA (entered
• Flunked out after second semester
• Joined IBM as programmer in 1950
• Developed Fortran, first
commercially successful
programming language and
IBM 704
manual, 1956
Fortran issues…
• Fortran language was described using English
– Imprecise
– Verbose, lots to read
– Ad hoc
DO 10 I=1.10
Assigns 1.10 to the variable DO10I
Early Fortrans didn’t care about spaces!
DO 10 I=1,10
Loops for I = 1 to 10
(Often incorrectly blamed for loss of Mariner-I)
Monday, 5 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read some of chapter 2 for today
• Intro, 2.1, 2.2 (skim 2.2.4 & 2.2.5), 2.3 (cs302 review), 2.4
– Read some of chapter 11 for Friday
• 11.1-11.2.3, skim 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.4
• First homework (Fortran) is out
– Due this Friday (9 Sep)
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due one week from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is Kevin Dale
– Office hours: Mon 11-12:30, Wed 1-2:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
Wednesday, 7 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read some of chapter 11 for Friday
• 11.1-11.2.3, skim 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.4
• First homework (Fortran) is out
– Due this Friday (9 Sep)
– Will talk about line formula today
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due one week from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is changing
– The old TA (Kevin Dale) will be holding office hours this week
• Wed 1-2:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
• Also Thursday 11-12:30 (in the Thornton stacks)
– New TA will start holding office hours next week
Friday, 9 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read some of chapter 11 for today
• 11.1-11.2.3, skim 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.4
– Read chapter 3 for Wednesday
• First homework (Fortran) is due today
– Submission process will be fixed…
• Second homework will be out on Monday
– Will be either Ocaml or Scheme
– You can’t do that language for your project, of course…
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due one week from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is changing
– New TA will start holding office hours next week
Monday, 12 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 3 for Wednesday
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out today
– Submission process will be fixed…
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due one week from Friday (16 Sep)
• TA is changing
– New TA will start holding office hours this week
Wednesday, 14 September
• Readings:
– Read chapter 3 for Friday
– We probably won’t get to it today because of the Ocaml talk
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out
– Submission process will be fixed…
– Will be going over the NFA -> DFA algorithm more today
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due this Friday (16 Sep)
– Submission via e-mail
• TA is changing
– More info as it becomes available
Friday, 16 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 4 for Wednesday
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out
– Submission process will be fixed…
– Due next Friday
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due today
• TA is now Chris White
– More info will be on the website today
Project languages
Python (4)
Euphoria (2)
Ada 95
Unknown (1)
Monday, 19 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 4 for Wednesday
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out
– Submission process will be fixed…
– Due this Friday
– Might consider extending it until next Monday
• Individual project information is out
– Project proposal is due today
• TA is now Chris White
– Office hours are Tu 4-5:30 and Th 5-6:30
• Fortran assignment will be returned soon
– Sorry for the delay!
Wednesday, 21 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 11.? for Friday (the logic programming part)
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out
– Submission process will be fixed…
– Due this Friday
– Might consider extending it until next Monday
• TA is now Chris White
– Office hours are Tu 4-5:30 and Th 5-6:30
• Fortran assignment will be returned soon
– Sorry for the delay!
Friday, 23 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 6 for next Wednesday
• Second homework (Ocaml) is out
– Is due on Monday at 10 a.m.
– Don’t have to do nfa2dfa part
• Third homework (Prolog) is out
– Is due Friday, 7 October at 10 a.m.
– Will be going over Prolog today and next Monday
• TA is now Chris White
– Office hours are Tu 4-5:30 and Th 5-6:30
• Fortran assignment will be returned soon
– Sorry for the delay!
– Expect to have it on Monday
Monday, 26 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 6 for next Wednesday
• Third homework (Prolog) is out
– Is due Friday, 7 October at 10 a.m.
– Will be going over Prolog today and next Monday
• TA is now Chris White
– Office hours are Tu 4-5:30 and Th 5-6:30
• Fortran assignment will be returned today or tomorrow
– Sorry for the delay!
• Submission system
– Thoughts?
Wednesday, 28 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 7 for next Wednesday
• Third homework (Prolog) is out
– Is due Friday, 7 October at 10 a.m.
– Will be going over Prolog a bit more today
• No class on Monday (fall break)
• Midterm is two weeks from today
Friday, 30 September 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 7 for next Wednesday
• Third homework (Prolog) is out
– Is due Friday, 7 October at 10 a.m.
– Will be willing to extend it to the following Monday
• As the Stones will be in town the night before
• We’ll talk about that next Wed
• No class on Monday (fall break)
• Midterm is two weeks from this past Wednesday
– No HW next week or the following week
– Instead it’s midterm study time
Wednesday, 5 October 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 7 for Friday
• Third homework (Prolog) is due Friday
– Submission through same submission system
– File must be called hw3.pl
– Listing now works, compilation does not
• Next homework will be on Smalltalk (OOP)
• Midterm is one week from today
– No HW next week
– Instead it’s midterm study time
Friday, 7 October 2005
• Readings:
– Read chapter 7 for today
• Third homework (Prolog) is due Monday
– Submission through same submission system
– File must be called hw3.pl
– Listing now works, compilation does not
• Next homework will be on Smalltalk (OOP)
• Midterm is No HW next next Wednesday
– No HW next week
– Instead it’s midterm study time
Monday, 10 October 2005
• Test on Wednesday
– Last year’s exams are on the website
– No HW next week
– Instead it’s midterm study time
• Third homework (Prolog) is due today
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) will be out shortly
– Just need to fix some links
– Submission through same submission system, most likely
Friday, 14 October 2005
• Test should be returned on Monday
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) will be out shortly
– Just need to fix some links
– Submission through same submission system, most likely
– Won’t be going over Smalltalk in as much detail
Monday, 17 October 2005
• Test will be returned on Wednesday
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due in two weeks
– Submission through same submission system, most likely
– Will be going over Smalltalk/Squeak on Wednesday
• Fifth homework will be on aspect-oriented programming
• Following that will be project work
• Reading: Chapter 10 for Wednesday/Friday, chapter 8
for Monday
Wednesday, 19 October 2005
• Tests are graded
• Third homework grades was returned this morning
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due in Monday, 31 Oct
– Submission through same submission system, most likely
• Fifth homework will be on aspect-oriented programming
• Following that will be project work
• Reading: Chapter 10 for today, chapter 8 for Monday
Monday, 24 October 2005
• Tests are being returned today
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due next Monday (31 Oct)
– Submission will be via e-mailing me the code
• Fifth homework will be on aspect-oriented programming
– Am considering cancelling this homework….
• Following that will be project work
• Reading: Chapter 8 (subroutines) for today/Wednesday
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Internet based programming (HTML, XML, Perl, C#, Javascript)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Wednesday, 26 October 2005
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due next Monday (31 Oct)
– Submission will be via e-mailing me the code
• Fifth homework will be on aspect-oriented programming
– Am considering cancelling this homework….
• Following that will be project work
• Reading: Chapter 8 (subroutines) for today
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Internet based programming (HTML, XML, Perl, C#, Javascript)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Friday, 28 October 2005
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due Monday
– Submission will be via e-mailing me the code
• Am cancelling the fifth homework
– Time instead to be split among 4th homework and project
• More project info forthcoming on Monday
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Internet based programming (HTML, XML, Perl, C#, Javascript)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Happy Halloween!
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due next Monday
– Submission will be via e-mailing me the code
• Am cancelling the fifth homework
– Time instead to be split among 4th homework and project
• More project info forthcoming soon
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Internet based programming (HTML, XML, Perl, C#, Javascript)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Wednesday, 2 November 2005
• Fourth homework (Smalltalk) is out
– Due Monday
– Submission will be via e-mailing me the code
• Am cancelling the fifth homework
– Time instead to be split among 4th homework and project
• More project info forthcoming soon
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Internet based programming (HTML, XML, Perl, C#, Javascript)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
• Project info
– Presentations the week after Turkey Day
– Report and final project due the last day of class
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
– Miscellaneous other items (final compiler stages, parallel
computing, etc.)
• C# lecture on Friday, by request
– Please be here!
Monday, 14 November 2005
• Project info
– Presentations the week after Turkey Day
– Handout on that provided today
– Report and final project due the last day of class
• But some of that will be used during the presentation
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Miscellaneous other items (final compiler stages, parallel
computing, etc.)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Wednesday, 16 November 2005
• Project info
– Presentations the week after Thanksgiving
– Handout on that provided last time
• Will be on the website today
– Report and final project due the last day of class
• But some of that will be used during the presentation
• Next two weeks will cover:
– Miscellaneous other items (final compiler stages, parallel
computing, etc.)
– Aspect-oriented programming (AspectJ)
Monday, 28 November 2005
• Presentations this week
– Today: Euphoria (William, Gillian), PHP (Lily) and Ruby (Andrew)
• Report and final project due the last day of class
• But some of that will probably be used during the presentation
• Last day of class is next Monday
– Will cover Intercal and a course conclusion
• Final exam is Tuesday, 13 Dec at 9 a.m.
Monday, 5 December 2005
• Report due today
• Today
– Will finish design patterns and cover Intercal
• Final exam is Tuesday, 13 Dec at 9 a.m.
• Please do the online evaluations!