Welcome [www.thornford.dorset.sch.uk]

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Transcript Welcome [www.thornford.dorset.sch.uk]

Thornford Church School
Thursday 20th
June 2013
 Introductions –
Mr Ian Bartle (Headteacher)
 Our team who support you and your child
 Parent Governor –
 FTS (Friends of Thornford School) –
Mrs Paula Goddard
 School Meals Club –
 Breakfast Club –
Mrs Zoe Dycer
 Acorn Class Link Parent –
 Tour of the school with Class Activities – a chance to view a sample of
activities that everyone could perform at home to help your children
before school
 Presentation – ‘Your child starting school’ –
(class teacher)
Miss Claire Craddock
 Final question and answer session - in the hall
Who’s who?
The Class
Community and Cluster
Feedback from Questionnaire
Tuesday 3rd September
Three Full days –
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
9am – 3.30pm
Monday 7th October
Four full days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
9am – 3.30pm
Monday 4th November
Full time
These are recommended timings. If you feel that your child still is
not ready for full time by 4th November or is ready before do
not worry!
We can make arrangements suitable for your child.
Preparing for School
Fostering independence
 Dressing and undressing
 Coats – zips, shoes, laces/velcro
 Toileting
 Sharing
 Choosing games
 Putting things away/tidying up
 Turn taking
Early Years
Foundation Stage
7 areas of Learning
Children’s interests
Strong parent links – let us know of your child’s
progress and home activities!
Learning Journeys
Personal, Social and Emotional
Making relationships, self confidence, managing feelings and behaviour.
Communication and Language
Listening and attention, understanding, speaking
Numbers, shape, space and measures
Understanding of the world
People, communities, the world and technology
Physical development
Health and self care
Moving and handling
Expressive Arts and Design
and using
Being imaginative
Encouraging a Questioning Mind and
a Sense of Fun!!!
Speaking – Listening – Reading – Writing
 Sharing Books and Rhymes
 Rhyming Skills
 Pencil control and hand coordination – drawing,
cutting, write name.
 Counting
 Recognising Numbers
 One to one correspondence
 Sorting
 Naming shapes
 Library books to share and
 Sound (Phonics) Books
 Reading Scheme
(We will revisit this at the information afternoon in
Start of Day!
 Bring your child around the school to the Reception Play Area.
 At 8.55 you will be greeted by the class teacher or classroom
 Your child will enter through the conservatory door and should
hang up their coat etc on the hook with their name – we
encourage them to do this with increasing independence.
Eventually, children should say goodbye at the door!
 Encourage your child to put their book bag in their named tray
and their red communication books and home learning folders
in the appropriate box
End of Day!
 Please come on to the main playground to collect your child.
Let an adult know you are taking them.
 Your child should always say ‘goodbye’ to the adult once they
have been collected
What your child will need
 School Uniform (see prospectus for further
 Book Bag
 PE Kit - This should be in school at all times in a
named bag with daps.
 Wellies / suitable outdoor clothing – your child will
be learning outdoors as much as possible!
All items of clothing should be clearly named
Hair should be tied back if long
No jewellery – including stud earrings
Please check your child’s daps fit on a half-termly
basis and names have not washed out of clothing.
Introductory Sessions
Your child’s final session is on
Wednesday 2nd of July 9:30
– 11:45am.
At 11:45 parents and children are
welcome to stay and taste our
excellent hot lunches after this
session. Please book at the school
office in advance.
The First Two Weeks
 Establishing routines
 Developing Independence
 Home Learning
 Your child will come home with a library
book for you to enjoy and share
 Enjoying all areas of Learning
Settling in – having fun!
Next Steps – A learning Culture
 EYFS Profile
 Information Evening in September and a
phonics information session.
 Termly Report Cards and Parents’
Information Evenings
Please let us know of any thing that
is worrying you or your child
straight away!
Thank you for listening and
we all look forward to having
you at Thornford Primary
from September!