Transcript slides

Class 35:
Lambda Calculus
God created the integers – all else is the result of man.
Leopold Kronecker
God created application – all else is the result of man.
Alonzo Church (not really)
CS200: Computer Science
University of Virginia
Computer Science
David Evans
• Why is Scheme too complicated?
• What is a Calculus?
• Lambda Calculus
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Complexity in Scheme
• Special Forms
– if, cond, define, etc.
• Primitives
If we have lazy evaluation,
(and don’t care about
abstraction) we don’t need these.
– Numbers (infinitely many)
– Booleans: #t, #f
Hard to get rid of?
– Functions (+, -, and, or, etc.)
• Evaluation Complexity
– Environments (more than ½ of our interpreter)
Can we get rid of all this and still have a useful language?
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Alonzo Church, 1940
(LISP was developed from -calculus,
not the other way round.)
term = variable
| term term
| (term)
|  variable . term
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
What is Calculus?
In High School:
d/dx xn = nxn-1
[Power Rule]
d/dx (f + g) = d/dx f + d/dx g [Sum Rule]
Calculus is a branch of mathematics that
deals with limits and the differentiation
and integration of functions of one or
more variables...
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Real Definition
• A calculus is just a bunch of rules for
manipulating symbols.
• People can give meaning to those
symbols, but that’s not part of the
• Differential calculus is a bunch of rules
for manipulating symbols. There is an
interpretation of those symbols
corresponds with physics, slopes, etc.
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Lambda Calculus
• Rules for manipulating strings of
symbols in the language:
term = variable
| term term
| (term)
|  variable . term
• Humans can give meaning to those
symbols in a way that corresponds to
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
• Once we have precise and formal rules for
manipulating symbols, we can use it to
reason with.
• Since we can interpret the symbols as
representing computations, we can use it
to reason about programs.
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Evaluation Rules
y. M  v. (M [y  v])
where v does not occur in M.
(x. M)N   M [ x  N ]
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Identity ()
if x and y are same name
M1 M2  N1 N2 if M1  N1  M2  N2
(M)  (N)
if M  N
x. M  y. N if x  y  M  N
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Defining Substitution (|)
y [x | N] = N where x  y
y [x | N] = y where x  y
M1 M2 [x | N]
= M1 [x | N] M2 [x | N]
(M) [x | N] = (M [x | N])
(x. M) [x | N] = x. M
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Defining Substitution (|)
5b. (y. M) [x  N] = y. (M [x  N])
where x  y and y does not appear free in
N and x appears free in M.
5c. (y. M) [x  N] = y. M
where x  y and y does or does not
appear free in N and x does not appear
free in M.
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Defining Substitution (|)
5c. (y. M) [x  N] = y. (M [x  N])
where x  y and y does not appear free in
N or x does not appear free in M.
5d. (y. M) [x | N]
= z. (M [y | z]) [x | N]
where x  y, z  x and z  y and z does not
appear in M or N, x does occur free in M
and y does occur free in N.
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Reduction (Uninteresting Rules)
y. M  v. (M [y v])
where v does not occur in M.
M  N  PM  PN
M  N  MP  NP
M  N  x. M  x. N
M  N and N  P  M  P
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
-Reduction (the source of all
(x. M)N  M [ x  N ]
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Recall Apply in Scheme
“To apply a procedure to a list of
arguments, evaluate the procedure in a
new environment that binds the formal
parameters of the procedure to the
arguments it is applied to.”
• We’ve replaced environments with
• We’ve replaced eval with reduction.
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Some Simple Functions
I  x.x
C  xy.yx
Abbreviation for x.(y. yx)
CII = (x.(y. yx)) (x.x) (x.x)
 (y. y (x.x)) (x.x)
 x.x (x.x)
 x.x
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Evaluating Lambda Expressions
• redex: Term of the form (x. M)N
Something that can be -reduced
• An expression is in normal form if it
contains no redexes (redices).
• To evaluate a lambda expression, keep
doing reductions until you get to normal
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
 f. (( x.f (xx)) ( x. f (xx)))
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Alyssa P. Hacker’s Answer
( f. (( x.f (xx)) ( x. f (xx)))) (z.z)
 (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x. (z.z)(xx))
 (z.z) ( x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))
 (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))
 (z.z) ( x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))
 (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))
 ...
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Ben Bitdiddle’s Answer
( f. (( x.f (xx)) ( x. f (xx)))) (z.z)
 (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x. (z.z)(xx))
 (x.xx) (x.(z.z)(xx))
 (x.xx) (x.xx)
 (x.xx) (x.xx)
 ...
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Be Very Afraid!
• Some -calculus terms can be -reduced
• The order in which you choose to do the
reductions might change the result!
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Take on Faith (until CS655)
• All ways of choosing reductions that reduce
a lambda expression to normal form will
produce the same normal form (but some
might never produce a normal form).
• If we always apply the outermost lambda
first, we will find the normal form is there is
– This is normal order reduction – corresponds to
normal order (lazy) evaluation
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
Church-Turing Thesis
• Any mechanical computation can be
performed by Lambda Calculus reduction
• There is a Lambda Calculus term
equivalent to every Turing Machine
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
• Show you can implement a Turing
Machine using Lambda Calculus
• Next time: we won’t make a whole Turing
machine, but will show we can make
everything we are likely to need
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002
• Now: Selvin’s talk
• Projects – make progress for Monday!
17 April 2002
CS 200 Spring 2002