State of play of ESF negotiations

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State of play of negotiations
Promoting the social economy and
social enterprises
Resa Koleva
DG EMPL E1, ESF Policy and Legislation
OECD capacity building seminar,
28 June 2013
• Process
• Overview of schedule
• Negotiation on regulations
• Informal dialogue
• Content – main provisions
• ESF regulation
• Partnership agreements: end of 2013
• Operational programmes: middle of 2014
• This presupposes
• CPR adoption by Council in Autumn
• EP approval in July
Negotiation on regulations
• Trilogue on CPR: all main blocks discussed
• Trilogue on funds regulations, including ESF, ongoing
• Political trilogues on main outstanding issues
• Recent: agreement on ESF minimum share between
Council and EP
Informal dialogue
• Commission position papers (Oct-Nov 2012)
• Social entrepreneurship and social economy
• An IP in 5 CPPs (EL, ES, HU, IT, PT)
• A specific objective in 6 CPPs (AT, DE, LT, MT, PL, SK)
• 1-2 informal dialogue meetings so far with each
• Informal draft PAs
• "Maturity" check
Regulatory framework - main
Available funding
Investment priorities
Delivery mechanisms
Social entrepreneurship-friendly framework provisions
Amount of funding
• ESF minimum share
• COM proposal: 25% (EUR 84 billion)
• Agreement by co-legislators: 23.1% (EUR 72 billion)
• Social inclusion minimum share
• 20% in each MS
Investment priorities
• Specific support for through the dedicated IP
• Promoting the social economy and social enterprises;
• Important role not only in the specific IP but in
the delivery of social policies co-funded by ESF
through other relevant IPs! E.g.:
• Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive people;
• Reducing early school-leaving and promoting equal access to
good quality early-childhood education
• Active inclusion
Delivery mechanism 1
• Promoting employment thematic objective
• Rehabilitation services purchased by PES and
provided by NGOs, private providers. Other labour
market services, labour market reintegration
• Policy: active labour market policies.
• Investment priority: Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people
Delivery mechanism 2
• Investing in education, skills and LLL thematic
• NGOs providing early childhood education and care,
purchased by municipalities.
• Policy: equal access to education, reduction of early
school leaving.
• Investment priority: Reducing early school-leaving
and promoting equal access to good quality earlychildhood, primary and secondary education
Delivery mechanism 3
• Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
thematic objective
• NGOs providing community care to disabled or
running a network of foster parents
• Policy: transition from institutional to communtybased care
• Investment priority: Enhancing access to affordable,
sustainable and high-quality services, including
health care and social services
Social entrepreneurship-friendly
framework in SF
Strengthened partnership
Better access to funds
Broader access to funds – financial instruments
Capacity building