Transcript ppt

Midterm Exam #1 Review
• Exam time is Jun. 12 during class time.
• The first homework will be fully covered.
• Necessary formulas will be provided in the exam
sheet (but without explanation of notations).
• You need to compute out the final numerical
results in your answer. Do not simply write down
the formula as your answer.
– You can bring a calculator (no computer, iPhone, etc)
– The numbers in exam are easy to compute without
computing of log10() or log2() using calculator
Question Types
– Knowledge questions
– True or false statement (explain why)
– Calculations
Knowledge Question Examples
• What is the relationship between OSI 7 layer model and
the TCP/IP 5 layer model?
• What are the three types of transmission impairment?
SNR relates to which one of them? dB/m unit relates to
which one of them?
• Can you say if a signal is periodic or nonperiodic by
looking at the frequency domain plot? How?
• What does SNR represent? Its formula?
• What is the full name of MODEM? Does Cable Modem or
DSL use baseband communication? Does Ethernet use
baseband communication?
• Why Cable and DSL provide higher downstream
bandwidth than upstream bandwidth?
Knowledge Question Examples
• Why optical fiber introduces much less noise to data
than Ethernet lines? Why optical fiber cannot bend
arbitrarily while Ethernet line can?
• What are the three mode of radio propagation? What
mode of propagation is used by FM radio? Cellular
tower? Long-wave AM radio?
• In telephone network, does signaling use the same
channel as data transmission?
• What are the three types of topology in wired LAN? What
topology does current Ethernet use?
Calculation Problem Examples
All computation questions in Homework 1
dB of SNR computing (Example 3.31)
bitRate requirement computing (Example 3.18)
Period and frequency computation (Example 3.5)
Attenuation computing (Example 3.26)
dBm and dB/km computation (Example 3.29/30)
SNRdB (Example 3.31)
Nyquist theorem usage (Example 3.36)
Shannon theorem usage (Example 3.39)
Throughput and delay (Example 3.47)
Homework 1 Statistics
Average: 69.8
Median: 73.5
Maximum: 91.0
Minimum: 30.0
MidTerm 1 Statistics