IEEE C802.16m-09/1170

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Transcript IEEE C802.16m-09/1170

Opening report of Connection Management and QoS DG
Document Number:
IEEE C80216m-09/1170
Date Submitted:
Xiangying Yang
E-mail: {[email protected]}
Connection Management and QoS Drafting Group
Venue: Category: Connection Management and QoS DG
Base Contribution:
Report the status of Connection Management and QoS drafting group.
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DG activities between Session 60-61
• Received 20 contributions from session 60
• 5 conference calls and offline email discussions
for harmonization
• DG working draft revision #5
• Developed DG baseline draft
– C802.16m-09/0846 (baseline draft after Conf Call #4)
– C802.16m-09/0847r1 ( aka. C80216m-09_QoS_r5:
new harmonized text after Conf Call #5; markup with
all remaining comments)
Current ToC
15.2.x Connection Management
15.2.x.1 Management connections
15.2.x.2 Transport connections
15.2.y Bandwidth Request and Allocation Mechanism
15.2.y.1 Bandwidth Request
15.2.y.1.1 Contention-based random access bandwidth request
15.2.y.1.2 Standalone Bandwidth Request Signaling
15.2.y.1.3 Piggybacked Bandwidth Request
15.2.y.1.4 Bandwidth Request using FFB
15.2.y.1.5 Bandwidth request message format
15.2.y.1.5.1 quick access message format
15.2.y.1.5.2 bandwidth request header format
15.2.y.1.5.3 Piggyback bandwidth request extended header format
15.2.y.2 Grant
15.2.z Quality of Service (QoS)
15.2.z.1 Service classes
15.2.z.2 Service Flow Management
15.2.z.3 Scheduling services
15.2.z.3.1 Adaptive granting and polling service
15.2.z.4 Emergency Service Flow
15.2.z.4.1.1 Emergency Service Notification during initial ranging
15.2.z.4.1.2 Emergency Service Notification during connected state
Plan for the week
• Comment resolution (break-session
– Remaining comments in C802.16m-09/0847r1
– New reply comments on C802.16m-09/0846
• Develop updated AWD baseline text
• Motion to approve the updated AWD
baseline doc in TGm closing.