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CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Actuary as an Expert Witness
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Charles L. McClenahan
10 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
The only
downside of
expert witness
work is the
requirement that
one deal with
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Problems Created by Lawyers
– Attempting to paraphrase
– Attempting to stretch or bend opinion
– Attempting to summarize
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Attempting to Paraphrase
– Expert has obligation to avoid misleading testimony
– Limitations and underlying assumptions must be
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Attempting to Stretch or Bend Opinion
– Language of actuarial science very precise
– Each word can be important
– Proper questions yield predictable answers
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Attempting to Summarize
– Lawyers like simple answers
– Rarely are the answers simple
– Expert has obligation to avoid misleading
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Lawyers Can Be Trained!
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
• Educate Lawyer on Actuarial Language
- Analogize with contracts (where lawyers are familiar
with verbal precision)
- Correct misunderstandings before you testify
- Explain technical issues and why precise wording is
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
• Set Precise Limits on Opinions
- State them early
- State them in writing
- Make certain lawyers know limits
- Resist fuzziness
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
• Focus on Questions (Answers are Easy!)
- Discuss goals of your testimony
- You should draft questions
- Make certain lawyers understand technical terms
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
“An expert knows all the
answers - if you ask the right
- Unknown
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Actuaries Create Problems Too!
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Problems Presented by Actuaries
– Threatening Subject
– Personality (or Lack Thereof)
– Complex Issues
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Threatening Subject
– Lawyers hate, don’t understand math
– Actuary must make it interesting
– Actuary must keep it simple
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
– “I’m not weird, just unusual”
– “I understand this is difficult”
– “I’m here to help you understand”
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Complex Issues
– Actuary must simplify
– Visual aids where possible
– Do not condescend or patronize
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
A Roadmap to Successful Testimony
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Your Testimony
– Be clear on your opinions
– Write out your direct testimony
– Anticipate weaknesses
– Roll-play your cross examination
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006
The Care and Feeding of Lawyers
Opposing Expert’s Testimony
– Help your lawyer understand opinion
– Write out cross examination
– Roll-play your opponent’s testimony
CAS Seminar on Ratemaking - March, 2006