Transcript file

XCODE 4.2 is an objective –C based programing software used to produce all iPhone applications available on the
apple market. This program was introduced to me at GGC in the class Software Development 2. Above are 2 screen
shots showing two different views of the actual program I have developed. To the left is the new feature apple has
introduced with 4.2. This feature is called “Storyboard” . It enhances the programmers visibility of actions to be
executed and in return makes programing just a little easier. To the right is the code used to populate the tableview with
an array of values that will define the next location in the navigation view. The usage of both is essential in app
The purpose of this app is to provide tutorials in the programs of Adobe After Effects ad Adobe
Photoshop. These tutorials are presented in a unique and user friendly iPhone environment. It is
currently in the process of being approved by the app store and will in essence help all users
become better at video and image editing.
The program uses a tableview layout to introduce students to
each tutorial. The tutorials take the user from the basics and
guide them through both complex and common issues in After
Effects and Photoshop
The programs used for this project were:
Adobe After Effects CS5 (video editing)
Adobe Photoshop CS5 (image manipulation)
XCODE 4.2 (iPhone development)
objective - C