Transcript May 4

Agenda May 5
1. Learning target: Be able to make a claim of
why to send a manned mission to your planet
2. Make sure you have everything done by
today—practice run today
3. Vocabulary: pick two from today’s cool news
4. Cool news:
5. End of class: Have you timed your project,
Meet with large group?
Today you will need to focus your research on the following,
make sure to communicate to the rest of your planet team!!!
1. Essay is complete and sent to me today
2. Know when you are speaking and what you
are saying
3. I need a list from each group today of what
each student did for the project
Team leader:
Today you will need to focus your research on the following,
make sure to communicate to the rest of your planet team!!!
1. Essay is complete and sent to me today
2. All team members know when they are
3. Introduction to team members and your
Getting there Team: Research focus
Today you will need to focus your research on the following,
make sure to communicate to the rest of your planet team!!!
1. Make sure to discuss how to present model
2. Make sure your have calculated your payload
and that your rocket can handle it. This will
be a question
3. Subtopics are clearly describe in power
Living there Team: Research focus
Today you will need to focus your research on the following,
make sure to communicate to the rest of your planet team!!!
1. Figure out how to present model and design
2. Your engineering design should be completed
and in presentation
3. Make your researched topic and subtopics
clearly defined in your powerpoint and that
you can answer questions about them
Working there Team: Research focus
Today you will need to focus your research on the following,
make sure to communicate to the rest of your planet team!!!
1. Be able to describe your design of your
equipment or lab
2. Mission careers identified (how many people
and what they do)
3. Be able to answer questions about the work
you are doing