Transcript John report

Current Work
Grasp Database
Created database to store all data from tracking
Created Matlab scripts to import/export all data
into a struct
Working on real time gathering of data though
there seems to be discrepancies in Tracking
Tools dll file and exporting to csv. We have
emailed them requesting info.
WAM is back
Feels a lot smoother, especially joint 4
Re-ran friction graphs. Came back same shape
What's Next
Finish John Wen's controller
Gravity compensation is working by optimizing
the DH, mass, etc parameters
Estimate friction torque vs joint velocity and
build that in
Add PID on top for very accurate control. He
said that we can neglect the position dependent
friction as well as coriolis/centrifugal since they
will be small (integral will take care of them)
He said this is the same as State Feedback
controller except that we do not explicitly
choose the poles