Transcript 13 April

April 13: Was it important for the U.S. to
acquire Florida? Explain your position.
Today, I will be able to explain Andrew
Jackson’s presence in SE and the Foreign Policy
plan put forth by President Monroe.
Prepare for the 11.3-4 Quiz.
American System
McCulloch v Maryland
Gibbon v Ogden
Each part of the country associated with their
region and those regional interests. They did
not view themselves as “Americans first.”
For instance, southerners protested the
American System because it didn’t benefit
directly enough.
There are concerns regarding Creek and Seminole tribesmen are
going into Georgia and attacking settlers. (problem?)
Runaway and freed African Americans are beginning to settle near
the Seminole in Spanish Florida. (problem?)
1816: Jackson destroys the “Negro” fort (Pronounced Nae –grow,
Spanish word for black).
1818: Jackson leads 3000 troops and threatens an assault on Florida.
These actions were considered “self defense” by then Sec. of State
John Q. Adams
1821: Spain sells us Florida for 5 million dollars (Adams-Onis treaty)
Issued in 1823:
Warns Europe to stay away from western affairs.
U.S. supports newly freed countries in Latin and South
 The U.S. will oppose any new colonies being built in the
Western Hemisphere.
 The U.S. will protect the sovereignty of those nations.
(*Roosevelt Corollary **1904)*
At this time, the U.S. actually doesn’t have the military force
to backup this Doctrine, but Europe never calls our bluff.
Monroe Doctrine