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To find journals by language of
publication, click on the Languages
bar in the horizontal frame. The
Languages drop down menu appear
and we will choose French.
An alphabetical list of French language
journals is displayed.
The ‘green’ box notes the access status
for your institution.
Note: The editors decide the languages
accepted by the journal. Some include
articles in multiple languages.
Select a title from the list and a new
window will open at the publishers’
website: Primary Care: Journal Suisse
de Medicine de Premier Recours.
We have displayed the Browse
publisher drop down menu. This
You have full access to: list for an
institution where all the material is
included in the publishers’ offer.
We have displayed the Browse publisher – Nature
Publishing Group Accessible Content list. It is an example
from a institution where the all the Nature titles are
included in publisher’s offer - noted by the green boxes.
Note again the Display Option drop down
list and ability to move from one page of
the A publishers titles list to another.
We now will scroll down and view
the Publishers list of journals as an
institution that does not have full
access to the publishers resources.
We now have opened the Browse publisher – Nature Publishing
Company tab- as an institution where the titles are not included
in the publisher’s offer. The default is the Accessible Content
page and no journals are listed. If you click on the All Items tab,
you can view the journal titles that your institution does not have
access to – for this publisher. Check other publishers to see if
the journals are accessible or not.
We now have opened the Browse
publisher – Nature Publishing Company
All Items list. For this institution where
the titles are not included in the
publisher’s offer, all the titles have the !.
To find books by title, click on the appropriate
Books collection alphabetical letter.
Note that there is a View complete list of
books option although this list does not have
hypertext links to the specific titles. You will
need to go back to the Books collection A-Z
list to open any e-books.
Now opened is the O list from the
Books collection A-Z list. This example
is for an institution where the titles are
included in the publishers’ offer.
We now have opened is the O list from the Books
collection A-Z list - for an institution where many
titles are not included in the publishers’ offer.
Note that there are only 7 items (2 publishers) in
the Accessible Content list. In the All Items display
option, most of the titles will have the white box
with the ! exclamation point.
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is one of the foremost international
textbooks of internal medicine. It provides practical guidance on the
clinical management and prevention of disease, with in-depth coverage of
the traditional specialty areas. Scroll down this page to the ‘expandable’
table of contents that details the contents of each topic.
We have opened the American Psychiatric
Association Textbook of Geriatric
Psychiatry e-book that is searchable by
keyword and broad subject categories.
When opening the All Items option of
the Complete List of HINARI Books,
there is the Send to CSV option. You
can download a list of all the books
in the format used by spreadsheets.
Now opened is the CSV list in
Excel. This is a large (<10 MB) file.
From the HINARI Portal, you also can open the Search
inside HINARI full-text through database and article
searching, Reference sources and Free collections lists.
Note: Many of these resources are underutilized by HINARI
users as most individuals concentrate on obtaining full-text
journal articles.
Via clicking on the Search inside HINARI…
link, we have opened the Browse
databases A-Z list.
Similar to other access points, there are the
Accessible Content and All Items listings
that depend on the Publishers’ offers.
Searching in Google Scholar has been discussed in
the previous module – Basic Course Module 2. This
tool searches for academic material and, via the links
in the search result’s right column, you can access fulltext material including what is available from HINARI.
Note: you must use the HINARI link to Scholar or you
will be asked to login (individually) or pay for the article.
Also, if the publisher does not grant access to your
institution, the Scholar link will not work.
We have opened the initial page of Scopus (Elsevier), a large abstract and
citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with
smart tools to track and analyze research.
Being from a HINARI registered institution, and having logged into HINARI,
you will be able to use these resources from various commercial publishers.
CINAHL (EBSCO) is another resource from the
Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes menu. It
provides indexing for 2,960 journals and can be
searched for information on nursing, biomedicine,
health sciences librarianship, alternative/
complementary medicine, consumer health and
17 allied health disciplines. Via HINARI, many of
these journals can be accessed.
Now we have clicked on the
Reference Sources link and opened
the Browse reference sources A-Z list.
Many of these resources contain fulltext information on a variety of topics.
Cochrane Library contains high quality ,
independent evidence for health care decision
making. It includes numerous access options
including via keyword, MeSH terms and category
listings. Cochrane Library is one of 3 sources of
information on evidence-based practice in HINARI.
From the Free Collections drop down
menu, you can access other free e-journal
gateways and be able to obtain full-text
articles. We will examine one of these –
Highwire Free to Developing Economies.
This is the HighWire Press initial page. From this
site, we can locate articles or journal titles or
subjects and set up an email alert.
HighWire Press 3
The Free Access to Developing Economies link is
located on the initial page. Also of interest is the
Free full-text content link.
There is a link to both pages in the Other Free
Collections drop down menu on HINARI’s Full-text
Journals, databases and other resources page.
Note: You can access the HighWire Press
full text articles since this publisher
identifies computer (IP) addresses from
eligible countries. This is the ONLY
exception to not needing to use your
institution’s User Name and Password.
Now displayed is the Free Access to
Developing Economies list of HighWire
Press – journals that are available for many
HINARI eligible countries. For eligibility, see
The access is based on the computer's IP
Address and you can go directly to the site
using the url.
From the Free Access to
Developing Economies list of
HighWire Press, we have accessed
the portal of Annals of Oncology
HighWire Press 4
Within HighWire Press, now opened is the Free Online FullText Articles page. Users throughout the world have access
to these articles. Note that some journals are a free site and
others have free articles after a set period of time.
The HINARI eligible country access is a different mix of titles.
Now viewed is PubMed Central, a free digital archive of
life sciences journals created by the U.S. National
Institutes of Health. This resource can be searched via a
keyword search engine or journal title.
Note: this is different than PubMed, – the biomedical
database from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. – . This will be
discussed in Basic Course Module 4.
The Free Collection menu includes Free Online
Medical Books page of
- a website that has links to full-text books for
numerous medical and other topics. This
gateway is searchable by keyword or topic.
Updated 2015 03
Basic Course Section 3
See the appendix for the:
• HINARI – Accessing Articles: Problems
and Solutions
• HINARI – Printing, Copying, Saving and
Emailing Articles: Problems and Solutions
This is the end of HINARI Basic Course
Module 3
There is a Work Book to accompany this part of
the module. The workbook will take you through a
live session covering the topics included in this
demonstration with working examples.
Updated 2015 10