Transcript m5ECB

Supplementary table on pension
schemes in social insurance
Directorate C: National and European
Unit C-5: Validation of public accounts
European Central Bank
Directorate General Statistics
Task Force on the statistical measurement of the assets and liabilities of pension schemes in general government
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Table is a standard table proposed, under
the compromise agreed by the UN
Statistical Commission of February 2007,
to be included in the new SNA
• Table has to be compiled by countries in
addition to standard tables in the core
national accounts
• Table has been prepared by the
Eurostat/ECB Task Force on pensions
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Table presents
– Opening and closing stocks of pension entitlements
for all pension schemes in social insurance (including
social security)
– Transactions and other economic flows during the
– Social assistance schemes are not included
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Columns of the table
– Split between pension schemes classified either in
the core national account or not in the core national
– Schemes classified within the core national accounts
are either “sponsored” by a non-general government
unit or by a general government unit
– Employer pension schemes are further split into
defined benefit schemes and defined contribution
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Columns of the table
– Column C: contains columns A and B (db and dc) but
also hybrid pension schemes
– Columns F and G cover those pension schemes not
included in the core national accounts
– Column I as an of-which position to show all general
government pension schemes classified in the core
national accounts
– Columns J and K provide a split by counterpart sector
(resident and non-resident households)
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Rows of the table
– “S” denotes the supplementary status of the SNA
– Social contributions in rows 2a to 2d (actual and
– Row 2d relates to property income earned, or imputed
– Row 3 refers to imputed transactions of social
security pension schemes
– Row 5 presents the changes in pension entitlements
due to contributions and benefits (SD8 or SF612: row
2 + row 3 – row 5)
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Rows of the table
– Row 6 shows the transfers of pension entitlements
between pension schemes (cell 6, H should be zero)
– Rows 7 to 11 cover the other economic flows
– Row 7b is only used if PBO is applied
– Row 10 is only used in case of funded dc schemes
– Rows 1 and 12 show the pension entitlements at the
beginning and at the end of the period
Supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance
• Rows of the table
– Row 6 shows the transfers of pension entitlements
between pension schemes (cell 6, H should be zero)
– Rows 7 to 11 cover the other economic flows
– Row 7b is only used if PBO is applied
– Row 10 is only used in case of funded dc schemes
– Rows 1 and 12 show the pension entitlements at the
beginning and at the end of the period