Transcript PPT

Population and Housing Census
An African perspective
UN Expert Group Meeting on the Revision of the Principles and
Recommendations on Population and Housing Census
29th October to 1st November 2013
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
African Development Bank
Some background information
This presentation is based on
Global Survey conducted by UNSD in 2009-2010
Global Survey conducted by UNSD and US Bureau of Census
in 2011-2012
Proceedings of the Workshop on Assessment of 2010 Round
of Population and Housing Census in Africa (April-May 2013)
Based on in-depth assessment in eight African countries by
ECA and AfDB (August-September 2013)
This presentation does not necessarily reflect the position of the African member
states as the status report is yet to be formally presented to the African
Symposium on Statistical Development or the Statistical Commission for Africa
Number of African Countries conducting census in
1990, 2000, 2010 Rounds
Rounds of Census
Number of countries
that conducted census
1990 round
2000 round
2010 round
At least 12 more countries have planned to conduct a PHC by
December 2014
African countries that conducted census –
some more facts
23 countries have conducted a census in all the three rounds
7 countries conducted census in 2010 round after 1990 round
after having missed the 2000 round
Three countries (Djibouti, Liberia and Togo) have conducted a
census in 2010 round after having missed the 1990 and 2000
rounds; Angola may join this group soon (2014)
Djibouti - After 26 years
Liberia - After 24 years
Togo - After 29 years
Angola - After 44 years !!
African initiative on Population and
Housing Census for 2010 Round
African Symposium on Statistical Development
Starting 2006, led by Statistics South Africa, the statistical
community in Africa came together annually for six consecutive
years to
•To cooperate in ensuring that every African country
undertakes census in the 2010 Round
•To share best practices on planning and management and
planning, execution, processing, analysis and dissemination
•To promote South-South cooperation
African initiative on Population and
Housing Census for 2010 Round
Regional workshops on various aspects of census – mostly
organized jointly by regional institutions and often in
collaboration with UNSD
Technical assistance to countries by ECA mainly in the area of
cartography and data processing
-African Addendum to Principles and Recommendations
-Handbook on Editing
-Handbook on Tabulation
Key successes of Population and
Housing Census for 2010 Round in Africa
Improved participation by countries
Improved budget allocation by countries
Improved timeliness in data release
Improved inter-country collaboration
Improved use of technology in the following areas
- Census cartography (the most significant improvement)
- Data capture (OCR/OMR/ICR technology)
- Two countries already used hand-held devices in collecting
data; two more countries to use soon
Key challenges of Population and
Housing Census for 2010 Round in Africa
A few countries may finally not be able to conduct a census
Postponements of census dates – sometimes more than once
Management of politics of census – planning, process and data
Plans not prepared well in advance and sometimes do not cover
all phases
Resource mobilization still a big challenge in many countries
Staff turnover affects management and technical capacity
Outsourcing contracts not always well managed
Key challenges of Population and
Housing Census for 2010 Round in Africa
In-house capacity on technical aspects continues to be a
major challenge
Dissemination is limited content and reach and does not go
beyond release of a few tables through printed publications
Not much analysis of data, no or few thematic reports
Inadequate quality assurance framework – PES not planned,
conducted or not undertaken with the required technical rigour
Administrative reports not written and even if done does not
given the required focus and do not cover all phases
Proposed way forward
The regional organizations through the ASSD and other forums
continue to pursue the remaining countries to complete their
censuses as planned
Develop a regional programme on for 2020 round of Census through
a systematic, coordinated and collaborative approach ECA, AfDB,
AUC, UNFPA, UNDP and others to work together –support from
A systematic and sustainable capacity development programme –
need to create a few Centres of Excellence in African institutions
Promote south-south cooperation through a) development of African
census experts on various aspects b) sharing of best practices c)
technical assistance by African experts d) sharing of equipments
Continued engagement through ASSD to support countries in their
effort to mobilize political support and funds for census
Proposed way forward
Areas that require increased focus in terms of capacity building
Leadership and Management for senior census officials
Planning and Monitoring
Development of Quality Assurance Framework
Data capture using hand-held devices and scanning
Data editing and validation
Data dissemination
Data analysis
Post Enumeration Survey