Transcript here

“The First Choice of Last Resort”
From 9/11 to Katrina
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
Inventory Control and Distribution
New Solutions for First Responders
Network Failures
Land Line networks provide 35 to 45
circuits for every 100 users
Cell Networks provide 25 to 35 circuits
for every 100 users
Towers can fail
Lack of personal on the ground to
provide support
Be able to identify available inventory
Be able to determine manufacturing
Be able to pre-position equipment
Identify Partners who have the
capability to deliver and support
equipment efforts
First Responders need to be prepared
for lack of communications
Commanders in the field can only make
decisions based on the quality of the
information available, poor information
poor results
Prepare for failure
New Solutions
PICO Cells Networks
Satellite Repeaters
GV 300 live video over 9.6 satellite unit
Satellite, Digital and Analog support,
Tri-Mode units