Transcript PowerPoint

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Environmental Health, Safety, & Risk
August 2015
Scope of training
 This
training is intended to provide
awareness training for anyone who may:
 Receive hazardous materials
 Be asked to transport hazardous materials
for researchers and students
 Be asked to send samples and materials to
researchers at other institutions
 Be asked to send materials to field sites or
other off-campus locations
 NOTE: This training does not qualify you to
ship hazardous materials.
Purpose of training
 The
purpose of the training is to provide a
basic level of awareness of hazardous
materials and their transportation.
 Training is required by law for anyone
whose job may bring them into contact with
hazardous materials (49 CFR 172.704).
Purpose of training
 This
training is necessary in order for you to
understand what can and cannot be sent via:
 The U.S. Postal Service
 FedEx, UPS, etc.
 Alaska Airlines
 Northern Air Cargo, Wright Air Service, etc.
Transport of hazardous materials
The transport of hazardous materials (hazmat) is
regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation
 Anyone offering hazmat for transportation must
comply with DOT regulations.
 Penalties for failing to comply with the rules are
 $50,000 for each violation of the Hazardous
Materials Regulations
 Up to $250,000 and up to a year jail sentence for
 Up to $500,000 per incident for organizations.
They are not kidding around…
An Indiana company was fined $59,500 for shipping
six 64 oz. bottles of formaldehyde via FedEx.
 A Georgia company was fined $84,000 for shipping
an 8 oz. bottle of “Ink-Off”, a flammable liquid
containing methanol, via UPS.
 An Indiana company was fined $60,000 for shipping
four 1-pint containers of rubbing alcohol
(isopropanol) via UPS.
 Home Depot was fined $60,000 for shipping a
portable generator containing gasoline via UPS.
A word about the U.S. Postal Service…
 You
CANNOT ship hazardous materials using
the United States Postal Service.
 It does not matter how small the quantity… if
it is hazardous, do not mail it.
“Persons who
knowingly mail items
or materials that are
dangerous or
injurious to life,
health, or property in
violation of 39 USC
3018 may be liable
for a civil penalty of
at least $250, but
not more than
$100,000 for each
violation; the cost of
any cleanup
associated with each
violation, and
How might I encounter hazardous
materials in my job?
 Personnel in
your department may order
hazardous materials from time to time. These
items may come through your office.
 It is helpful to know what the stickers on the box
 You may be asked to ship them to another location
or to a field site.
 Researchers
in your department may want to
send samples or materials to another
institution, and ask you to ship them.
How can I identify hazardous
 If
you see boxes with any stickers that look
like any of the ones shown on the following
slides, then the box contains hazardous
 Typically the stickers are diamond-shaped.
Explosive materials
Flammable liquids, solids, and
dangerous when wet
Peroxides, corrosives, and radioactive
Poisons, toxins, infectious agents,
and irritants
Miscellaneous materials
Some materials are known as
“Class 9” materials and
include dry ice, combustion
engines, and some kinds of
lithium batteries.
Some magnetized materials
are shipped as hazardous
Cargo Aircraft Only
Note: A package with a
“Cargo Aircraft Only”
sticker (like the orange
one on the right) will also
have one or more
additional stickers to
identify the type of
hazardous material.
Excepted quantity hazardous materials
This is another type of label that you
might see on a box of hazardous
Where the single asterisk is located, you
will see a number, such as “3”, or “5”, or
“8”. That is the hazard class for the
material that is in the box. It is not
important that you know what the
number means.
You just need to remember that this
sticker means that there are small
amounts of hazardous materials in the
Limited quantity hazardous materials
These are two other types of
label that you might see on a box
of hazardous materials.
You just need to remember that
either of these stickers means
that there are small amounts of
hazardous materials in the box
(but you have no idea what they
are or why they are hazardous
based on this label).
What should I do?
 If
anyone asks you to ship samples for them,
or to forward boxes containing hazardous
materials for them, DON’T DO IT!
 Instead, ask for assistance from someone
who is certified to ship hazardous materials.
 The Dangerous Goods Regulations for
transport are long and complicated. This
training does not provide you with sufficient
knowledge to ship hazardous materials. Ask
for help.
Who can help me?
Your department Chemical Hygiene Officer or
Safety Coordinator may be trained and able to
assist you.
 Contact EHSRM if you are unable to find someone
in your department who is trained and certified.
 474-6771 (Tracey Martinson)
 474-5617 (Richard Deck)
 474-2762 (Thadd Williamson)
Complete the UAF Hazmat Shipping Request form:
What if I’m not sure?
 Question:
Someone may bring you a box and
ask you to ship it. There might not be any
labels on the box. How do you know whether
or not it contains hazardous materials?
 Answer: You need to ask the person what is
in the box, and whether or not the items
might be considered hazardous materials.
If the person is unsure, have them contact
EHSRM and ask for clarification. A
$250,000 fine is not worth taking a chance!
Examples of hazardous materials
Hazardous materials include:
 Bear spray, pepper spray
 Glue, epoxy resins
 Coleman fuel
 Acetone, ethanol, isopropanol
 Batteries (lead acid, lithium)
 Ice augers, chainsaws
 Dry ice, liquid nitrogen
 Formalin
 Other chemicals, including pesticides
This list is not exhaustive. Ask for assistance if you
are unsure about any item.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, please contact
Tracey Martinson
[email protected] 474-6771