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Nicole Bornkamp
Princeton University
Class of 2014
PEI Development Challenger
Woodrow Wilson School
STEP Program
To develop a deeper understanding of:
1. The nature of scientific, technological, and
environmental problems and opportunities
2. The specialized methods used for analyzing
scientific, technological, and environmental issues
3. The impact of science, engineering, and
environmental analysis on national and
international policy.
General Internship Goals
 Assist post-doc in collecting, organizing, and
checking research data
 Develop and improve on several computer codes
related to the data
 Highlight areas of South Africa (ex: commercial
forestry) that cannot be used to grow crops
 Create visual images of collected data
 RStudio/MODIS
 ArcGIS/Pixels
 Google Earth/ArcGIS
 Stitched images
 Pixel changes
 Accurate wheat points
 Commercial forestry outlines
 Learned new computer programs—basic problem
solving to more advance code writing
 Involved in program of great interest to my future
work at Princeton and beyond
 Worked in a dedicated, intelligent, and extremely
professional environment
 Interacted with all different levels of management
and research here at Princeton
 Lyndon Estes, Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Woodrow Wilson School and the Program in
Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
 Michael Oppenheimer, Professor of Geosciences
and International Affairs
 David Wilcove, Professor of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology and Public Affairs
 Grand Challenges Internship Program