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UML Modeling Tools
CSE 470 – Software Engineering
Fall 2001
A. Subramanian
• Introduce Dome to draw:
– Class Diagrams
– Use Case Diagrams
• Next time we’ll talk about Dome for:
– State Diagrams
– Sequence Diagrams
• Demonstrate some of the less intuitive features of
• Demonstrate how to convert diagrams to Postscript
from Dome.
Starting Dome
You have to be running the right
• /soft/serg/Software/DOME/DOME5.3/bin/dome
• Go to options/misc and add the following
tool cache path
– /soft/serg/Software/DOME/DOME5.3/tools/msu-uml/specs
Creating a New Model
Use Case Tool
Use Case Diagram
• Start with the
• Use Property
Button to
Properties of
e.g. Component
Class Diagram Tool
Class Diagram
• Insert model
components, then
edit with the
‘Properties’ button.
• All associations
must be drawn
between two
• Change association
multiplicities by the
‘Properties’ button.
Running Dome
• Open an Xterm window.
• You may want to add the following alias to
your .aliases file to shorten the command
you need to type.
– alias dome ‘/soft/serg/Software/DOME/DOME5.3/bin/dome’
Saving Files
• Create a directory for each project and save
models in that directory.
• Develop some convention for model files so
that you can easily identify which file is
associated with which model, e.g. add a -uc
to the end of the file name for the Use Case
Diagram or add an extension to the name
Generating Postscript
• To generate a postscript file:
Select Print… under the File menu.
Check the ‘Print to File’ box.
Select ‘Single Page Postscript’ as the Format.
Modify the file name, if desired, then press
– Use Ghostview to convert to EPS