Chapter 1 - part 2

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Chapter 1 – Introduction to
Part 2
How to study the Ocean?
How to study the Ocean?
History of Marine Exploration
• 4000 BC Polynesians and Egyptians sailing
• 600 BC Phoenicians explore
• 450-150 BC Greeks develop maps of sea, measure latitude,
estimate global circumference
• Longitude? Sun “moves 15°/hour if you don’t move east or
west. If you do move, then change the “time zone”. Compare
local time to origin time to get longitude.
History of Marine Exploration
• 300 AD Chinese develop magnetic compass
• 900 - 1430 AD Vikings explore Greenland,
• 1400 China Explores and may extend to Africa and
• 1500 Columbus finds “West Indies” (Caribbean)
• 1520 Magellan circumnavigates
• 1770 Capt. Cook explores Pacific (chronometer)
• 1830 Darwin sailed world and studied corals,
• 1830 Wilkes (USA) explores Pacific and returns with
• 1870 HMS Challenger world tour
HMS Challenger 1872- 1876
The 3.5 year voyage collected an enormous amount of data, took 19
years to publish 50 volumes.
Marine Stations in USA
Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute
Marine Stations in USA
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Marine Stations in USA
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Marine Stations in USA
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Marine Stations in USA
• College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island Graduate School of
University of Washington School of
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution