Transcript PPT

Instructional Technologist
Justification for a permanent fulltime
classified position
Presented by:
Lale Yurtseven
Business Department
Seasoned Online Instructor!
Needs Assessment
 Increase in online and hybrid courses. (Spring 2016 18% of
total enrollment at the College was in distance education)
 Transition to a new learning management system (Canvas).
 Upgrades/changes to current and future LMS.
 Need for support and training for new and existing faculty,
staff, administration, and students.
 Constant changes in the technological environment
impacts online LMS.
Alignment with District Strategic Plan
 Supporting Goal #3: Expand program delivery options,
including the use of instructional technology to support
student learning and scheduling options to
accommodate adult learners
 Expand online classes and programs. Integrate Quality
Matters across all online offerings.
 Expand technology in the classroom and make appropriate
faculty training available.
Alignment with Cañada College
Strategic Plan
Enrollment Management Goals
 Increase the Distance Education course sections,
especially in Career Technology and Education (CTE).
 Increase late-start DE offerings.
 Offer online certificate and/or degree programs.
Distance Education Strategic Plan
 Goal #1: Broaden distance education course offerings to
meet the needs of Cañada students.
 Goal #2: Develop a community of well-trained DE faculty
 Goal #3: Increase student awareness, retention, and
Some Important Duties and
 Develop and Maintain DE web presence.
 Assist and train faculty with new LMS and upgrades.
 Develop instructional tutorials, demos, etc. for faculty, students,
staff and admin.
 Assist staff in creating presentations using graphics, audio, video,
and animation.
 Keeps current and makes recommendations on educational best
practices, instructional resources, and instructional technologies to
support teaching and learning.
 Serve as the “go to” person for faculty with LMS issues.