Transcript here

Amolak Nagi
 “The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated
with a device.”
 “The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated
with a device.”
 It can do a lot more than just basic location. “You can also use it to define geographic regions
and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions.”
 “The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated
with a device.”
 It can do a lot more than just basic location. “You can also use it to define geographic regions
and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions.”
 “you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.”
 “The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated
with a device.”
 It can do a lot more than just basic location. “You can also use it to define geographic regions
and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions.”
 “you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.”
 We’re going to focus on just location today.
 Class associated with recording geographic data.
 Longitude
 Latitude
 Horizontal Accuracy
 Vertical Accuracy
 Altitude (this is somewhat new)
 Class associated with recording geographic data.
 Longitude
 Latitude
 Horizontal Accuracy
 Vertical Accuracy
 Altitude (this is somewhat new)
 Everything managed by a class called CLLocationManager (under a
 Class associated with recording geographic data.
 Longitude
 Latitude
 Horizontal Accuracy
 Vertical Accuracy
 Altitude (this is somewhat new)
 Everything managed by a class called CLLocationManager (under a
 Has a very important property called CLLocationCoordinate2D, allows location to be pinned
on a map
 Class associated with recording geographic data.
 Longitude
 Latitude
 Horizontal Accuracy
 Vertical Accuracy
 Altitude (this is somewhat new)
 Everything managed by a class called CLLocationManager (under a
 Has a very important property called CLLocationCoordinate2D, allows location to be pinned
on a map
 distanceFromLocation(location: CLLocation) could be useful
 Just like a UIView, but has a geographic map inside of it.
 Just like a UIView, but has a geographic map inside of it.
 By default shows U.S. map and allows you to pan and zoom, but you’ll probably want to set
these properties to your liking:
 showsUserLocation
 zoomEnabled/scrollEnabled/pitchEnabled/rotateEnabled
 showsCompass/showsPointsOfInterest/showsBuildings/showsZoomControls
 Just like a UIView, but has a geographic map inside of it.
 By default shows U.S. map and allows you to pan and zoom, but you’ll probably want to set
these properties to your liking:
 showsUserLocation
 zoomEnabled/scrollEnabled/pitchEnabled/rotateEnabled
 showsCompass/showsPointsOfInterest/showsBuildings/showsZoomControls
 Can add annotated points of interest onto the map (MKPointAnnotation), which are located
by CLLocationCoordinate2D
 Just like a UIView, but has a geographic map inside of it.
 By default shows U.S. map and allows you to pan and zoom, but you’ll probably want to set
these properties to your liking:
 showsUserLocation
 zoomEnabled/scrollEnabled/pitchEnabled/rotateEnabled
 showsCompass/showsPointsOfInterest/showsBuildings/showsZoomControls
 Can add annotated points of interest onto the map (MKPointAnnotation), which are located
by CLLocationCoordinate2D
 One annoyance: if you want to zoom into a region you must calculate the region radius and
perform the zoom yourself programmatically (MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance())