Transcript two

The Poverty Reduction and Regional
Integration Project
Research Question Two
Policy processes – the SADC Cross Border HIV and
Malaria Initiatives and SADC Pharmaceutical Business Plan
PRARI Stakeholder Workshop
14 September 2015
Jan Smuts House, Johannesburg
In this presentation
 Research Question
 Context
 Methodology
 Policy processes
 Cross border initiatives
• The SADC Cross Border HIV and AIDS Initiative
• The SADC Pharmaceutical Business Plan
• Conclusion and Recommendations
• Feedback
Research Question Two
 What can national, regional and international actors do to
promote pro-poor practices and methods for access to
healthcare and medicines in the SADC region?
 Policy processes for healthcare initiatives in the SADC region
 Post-Bruges decisions
 Additional fieldwork
 Understanding of policy processes
 Meeting with SADC Secretariat
Methodology and Fieldwork
 Modified questionnaire
 Workshop and interviews at SADC Secretariat
 Additional conversations with stakeholders
Policy processes
 SADC policy partnerships
 Policy documents
 Southern regionalisms and policy processes
Cross border initiatives
 The SADC Cross Border HIV and AIDS Initiative
 The SADC Pharmaceutical Business Plan
Conclusion and Recommendations
 Information sharing
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Capacity building
 Civil society
 SADC Stakeholder
 Swaziland Stakeholder
 Zambia Stakeholder