Transcript Hunger

Hunger at Home
Topic # 7012
Emily Styes
 Define and describe hunger
 Define and describe food insecurity
 Examine and explain general hunger issues
in the United States
 Understand, organize and create a
community service project that addresses
the hunger issue
What is hunger?
 The uneasy or painful sensation caused by
lack of food.
 When "hunger in America" is discussed,
people are referring to the recurrent and
involuntary lack of access to sufficient food
due to poverty or constrained resources
 Can lead to malnutrition over time.
What is food
Food Insecurity:
 Not enough access to food for an active and
healthy life
 The lack of financial resources to have
enough food available to meet basic needs
at all times
 Need emergency food sources
Is hunger an issue for
the United States?
The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) says:
 In 1999 ten percent of all U.S. households (19
million adults and 12 million children) were "food
 Of the 10.5 million households that were food
insecure, 3.1 million suffered from food insecurity
that was so severe that USDA's very conservative
measure classified them as "hungry."
 Five million adults and 2.7 million children lived
in these hungry households.
More Statistics
 1 in 4 children do not eat regular meals each
day because of lack of food in their home
 Roughly 13 million American children
wonder where they’ll find their next meal
 67% of those seeking emergency food
assistance have an income of $10,000 or
less. Of these individuals, 49% are working
“I cannot get used to hunger and
desperate poverty in our plentiful
land. There is no reason for it,
there is no excuse for it, and it is
time that we as a nation put an end
to it.”
- Mickey Leland, late member of
Case Studies
Objectives Reviewed
 Define and describe hunger
 Define and describe food insecurity
 Examine and explain general hunger issues
in the United States
 Understand, organize and create a
community service project that addresses
the hunger issue