Opening Battles of WWI

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Opening Battles of WWI
First Battle of the Marne
(Sept 6-12, 1914)
Germans invade Belgium to reach within 30 miles of
150,000 French launch counter-attack creating 30
mile wide gap in German lines
On Sept. 9th Germans begin retreat
Result: Schlieffen Plan ruined ending hope of swift
German victory
The Battle of Verdun
(Feb.-Dec. 1916)
German offensive aimed at reaching Paris
Goal: Find target France would heavily defend; use
massive bombardment and extend the battle
Begins with 21 hour bombardment
Between Jun-Oct, France counter-attacks aiming to
reclaim forts
Result: Battle ends when Germany turns attention to
the Somme
Aftermath of Verdun
French return to original positions
540,000 French casualties
430,000 German casualties