1° Congresso internazionale -‐ 1st International Congress – 1er

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 1° Congresso internazionale -­‐ 1st International Congress – 1er Congrès International Denti, postura e alimentazione -­‐ Teeth, posture and diet – Dents, posture et alimentation Cetraro (Italy), 15/16 ottobre – 15th /16th October 2016 – 15/16 octobre 2016 Presidente – President – Président Dr Giuseppe Spinelli, Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie – Médecine du Sport, St Gingolph (France) Comitato organizzatore – Organizing Committee – Comité D’Organisation Dr Giuseppe Spinelli, Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie – Médecine du Sport, St Gingolph (France) Dr Dominique Silvestre -­‐ Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie, Mulhouse (France) Dr Maria Antonietta Spinelli, Fisioterapista – Clinica di Riabilitazione Intensiva Arena, Sangineto (Italy) CON IL PATROCINIO – UNDER THE AUSPICES – SOUS LE PARRAINAGE SDRM: The InternationalSociety for the Development of ResearchonMagnesium Segreteria Organizzativa -­‐ Organizing Secretariat – Secrétariat d’Organisation [email protected] -­‐ ( +39 348 77 10 889 -­‐ www.nlcongressi.it SABATO 15 OTTOBRE 2016 -­‐ SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER 2016-­‐ SAMEDI 15 OCTOBRE 2016 (mattina – morning – matin) 08:45 09:15-­‐09:30 Iscrizioni– Registrations -­‐ Inscriptions Introduzione-­‐ Introduction -­‐ Mot du Président Dr Giuseppe Spinelli, Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie Médecine du Sport, St Gingolph (France) 09:30 -­‐ 12:45 09:30-­‐10:00 10:00 -­‐ 10:30 11:00-­‐11:30 11:30-­‐ 12:00 10:30-­‐11:00 12:00 – 12:45 12:45 -­‐ 14:30 Sessione I Denti e Postura– Session I Teeth and Posture Session I Dents et Posture D.ssa Milena D’Aniello (Roma, Italy) Influenza della lingua sulla postura. Tongue’s influence on the posture. Influence de la langue sur la posture. D.ssa Isabella De Magistris, Medico in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria (Napoli, Italy) Denti e psyche. Teeth and psyche. Dents et psychologie. PAUSA CAFFE E POSTER – COFFEE BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING–PAUSE CAFÉ ET POSTERS Dr. Salvatore Medaglia, Medico odontoiatra dentista (Caserta, Italy) L'apparato stomatognatico nel contesto posturale. The stomatognathicsystem and the posture. L’appareil manducateurdans le contexte de la posture. Dr. Dominique Silvestre,Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie Presidente GEOS 68 (Mulhouse, France)
L’importanza dell’ATM nella postura – Pratica sul trattamento osteopatico dell’ATM. The importance of TMJ in the posture: osteopathic treatment. L’importance de l’ATM dans la posture -­‐ TP sur le traitement ostéopathique de l’ATM. Dibattito – Debate – Débat (con pratica -­‐ with practice – avec pratique) PRANZO -­‐ LUNCH -­‐ DEJEUNER SABATO 15 OTTOBRE 2016 -­‐ SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER 2016 -­‐ SAMEDI 15 OCTOBRE 2016 (pomeriggio – afternoon – après-­‐midi) 14:30–18:00 Sessione II -­‐ Postura – Session II Posture – Session II Posture 14:30 -­‐ 15:30 LETTURA MAGISTRALE – MAIN LECTURE – LECTURE PRINCIPALE Dr. med. Johannes Mayer, Clinical Ass. Professor Osteopathic Medicine OUHCOM Athens/Ohio, USA Fascial concepts in Osteopathy. Concetti fasciali in osteopatia. Concepts fasciaux en Osthéopathie. 15:30-­‐16:00 Dr Giuseppe Spinelli (St Gingolph, France) Lo sviluppo neurologico posturale dalla nascita all’età adulta. Postural neurological development from birth to adulthood. Le développement neurologique et postural depuis la naissance jusqu’à l’âge adulte. PAUSA CAFFE E POSTER – COFFEE BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING – PAUSE CAFÉ ET POSTERS 16:00-­‐16:30 16:30 -­‐17:00 17:00 -­‐ 17:30 17:30 -­‐ 18:00 18:00 -­‐ 18:30 20:00 Dr. Giuseppe Pezzella, Presidente Associazione Nazionale di PosturologiaIntegrata (Caserta, Italy) La catena viscerale in posturologia. Visceral chain in posture. La chaine viscerale dans la posture. Dr. Fabio Marino, Posturologo (Roma, Italy) Il recettore podalico e le sue relazioni posturali. The foot's receptor and its postural connections.
Le capteur podal et les relations posturales. D.ssa Maria Antonietta Spinelli (Sangineto, Italy) La Fisioterapia e l’articolazione temporo-­‐mendibolare. The Physiotherapy and the TMJ. La Kinésithérapie et l’ATM. Dibattito – Debate– Débat (conpratica -­‐ with practice – avec pratique) Cena Sociale -­‐ Social Dinner – Diner de Gala DOMENICA 16 OTTOBRE 2016 -­‐ SUNDAY 16th OCTOBER, 2016 DIMANCHE 16 OCTOBRE 2016 09:00-­‐10:00 Sessione III Alimentazione– D – Session III Diet Session III Alimentation 09:00 – 09:30 Prof. Federica I Wolf , Istituto di Patologia Generale Facoltà di Medicina A. Gemelli Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma (Italy) ll Magnesio nello stress, sue potenziali conseguenze. Magnesium in stress, its potential consequences. Le Magnésium et le stress, ses conséquences potentielles. 09:30 – 10:00 10.00 -­‐10:30 TBD Disturbi posturali correlati all'Alimentazione. Postural disorders related to diet. Troubles posturaux liés à l'alimentation. PAUSA CAFFE E POSTER – COFFEE BREAK AND POSTER VIEWING PAUSE CAFÉ ET POSTERS Sessione IV – PRATICA -­‐ WORKSHOP -­‐ ATELIER Pratica – Workshop -­‐ Atelier (A): Prof. Bachan Kaur (Thonon Les Bains, France) Il Kundalini Yoga e postura. Kundalini Yoga and posture. Le Kundalini Yoga et la posture. 11:30 -­‐ 12:30 12:30 -­‐ 13:00 Pratica – Workshop -­‐ Atelier (B): Prof. Magalie Malet (Evian Les Bains, France) Pilates e postura. Pilates and posture. Pilates et posture. Pratica – Workshop -­‐ Atelier (C): Dr. Giuseppe Spinelli (St Gingolph, France) Nuove tecniche rieducative del “core stability”. New reeducation technics in the “core stability”. Nouvelles techniques de rééducation du “core stability”. 10:30 – 13:00 10:30 -­‐ 11:30 13:00-­‐ 13:15 CONCLUSING REMARKS -­‐ CONCLUSIONI – FIN DU CONGRES For Italian participants only: valutazioneECM, CME accreditation, Crédits ACRONIMI – ACRONYMS – ACRONYMES: ATM Articolazione temporo mandibolare -­‐ Articulation Temporo Mandibulaire – Temporomandibular joint